
Consumer Trends and Positioning Marketing Consulting

Cultural and business trends strategies to help businesses reposition established brands, innovate and create new revenue models

As a business consultancy, we help brands understand major trends that are motivating customers to buy products, services and experiences. And we develop powerful responses to these trends to help our clients be more relevant, innovative and profitable.

Let us help you identify trends that are impacting your world. Together we can create powerful offerings that attract customers and increase sales.


Consumer Trends and Futuring Marketing Consulting

Trends are all about right now. Let us help you discover what your customers are thinking and feeling, and what buttons you need to push to motivate them to purchase, visit, attend or act!

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The Invisible Force: Reimagining Consumer Engagement Beyond Gender Bias

In the contemporary market, an oversight seems to persist—a blind spot towards an immensely influential consumer base: women. Are businesses truly seeing the force behind the female consumer, or are they rendered invisible by ingrained biases? The Ignored Power of the Female ConsumerIt’s alarming how many products and services are designed without considering the significant …

Book the BuzzBooster’s to Speak at Your Next Event!

You’ll learn the importance of emotionally compelling messages, the power of story, and how to use life stage instead of age as a way to connect with them. Companies and organizations that can tap into today’s Boomer Consumer will be poised for success for years to come.

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Catch Our Show!

Elements of self talks about  innovation, cultural shifts, Consumer trends and behavior, so you know how to press the right buttons to motivate people and make them buy from you.

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