We have a great interview with business consultant Rudy Ortiz on the main reasons why small business owners fail and what to do to avoid this kind of problem.
Listen to Why Small Businesses fail.
Get Over Your Silly Dog Attitude!
This doesn’t really have anything to do with business, but it makes me lol every time!
Every characteristic of yours is an asset in business, sometimes we need to learn how to use it in sync with everything else, but nonetheless it can be a valuable asset. So what if you’re a little too creative, or perhaps too analytical, who knows even a little clumsy? Incorporate it to your brand, show the world who you are and allow them to engage with you because of it. So you have a “sneaky paw?” Don’t fight it, use it to get a better grip on that yummy bone!
J.K. Rowling on the Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination
J.K. Rowling speaks at Harvard Commencement about the benefits of failure, prepare to be enlightened:
“So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had already been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default”.
J.K. Rowling speaking at Harvard part 1:
Read the entire text, get mp3, or watch the full video at:
Should you use Facebook?
Why should you attend this weeks luncheon where BuzzBooster will talk about Facebook and its use for business? Because Facebook can help you generate more leads at no cost. Some people are hooked!
Outsourcing Design
Look at this website and how it is structured to serve people looking for designers and designers in search of some extra work. It is very interesting as an idea http://www.crowdspring.com
Social Media for all small businesses?
Sometimes it looks like every small business is starting a blog or starting a group on Facebook. What we see is a lot of small actions taken with few results and not a lot of thought put into the endeavor before it is too late.
As a small business trying to use social marketing you need to ask if social media is the thing for you before spending time and money. Using social media will not solve anything unless the way it is done addresses a specific business need. Blogging just because someone told you to, won’t bring more business to you. You should use social media marketing only if it is to accomplish an objective.
Then you need to ask: What do I want the relationship with my customer to look and feel like?”
When you have that answer, you can then decide which social media tools would be appropriate for your small business. You will see the picture of the way you want your prospects and customers to experience you, your products and services, your brand therefore which social media marketing strategy would make sense for you.
Some companies like Apple for example, don’t use social media at all, and that is ok too.
Now, here are some reasons why it could be a good option for your company:
– To generate more traffic to your website;
– Build customer loyalty and a community sense;
– For good PR and PR control;
– To strengthen customer relationship;
– Crisis management.
Just to name a few.
Here are some social media tools you could use to achieve these goals:
– Blog in all of the examples above;
– Online videos;
– Social networks;
– Customer reviews;
– Podcasts;
– Wikis;
– Twitter.
Many social media tools can be used for multiple purposes. You may be better choosing a couple of them and being consistent, than trying to apply all of them.
The tools you use should be secondary to the business objective. Small Businesses marketing with social media is about quality of content and consistency, not about using every single tool out there.
What People Are Doing Online
Though a bit outdated (July/2007) i find this to be extremely interesting (click on image to enlarge)…
[Via BusinessWeek]
Where is BuzzBooster?
We’ll be speaking around Salt Lake this month and the next. Hope to see you in one of them, stop by and say hi if you’re there!
On June 13th we’ll be at the Chamber East Monthly Luncheon, the topic will be: Social Networking & Media – LinkedIn.com or FaceBook.com
On June 19th we’ll be at the Volunteer Jamboree talking about consumer behavior: Who is your customer? to RSVP email: vlee@slco.org
On July 17th we’ll be at the GKIC Utah Chapter. The topic: No B.S. Social Media Marketing
The Importance of Storytelling in Branding
You’ve heard quite a few of those stories and I’m sure my sharing one more might get a little “old” but I can’t help it, don’t worry though, this won’t be another one of those “create an experience like Starbucks” stories!
A little while ago Douglas Albertson wrote a great article about Nordstrom and the Importance of Storytelling in Branding, and I’d like you to read it.
Here’s a snippet of what you’ll gain from it…
“Do you have a similar story to tell about your brand? Do you have stories that are as impressive as the one above? Would your employees even go to such lengths to serve your customers?
Nordstrom has never told this story publicly and they do not encourage their employees to do so. They figure if the stories are good enough, word-of-mouth will take them to the marketplace and the stories will carry even more credibility than if Nordstrom is caught tooting their own horn.
Such is the case with the famous Nordstrom “tire chains” story. A man walked into the main Nordstrom store with a set of used tire chains and insisted that he had purchased them there. Nordstrom sells clothing and the like. Without hesitation, the clerk refunded his money, even though the receipt clearly indicated another store. She paid him out of her own pocket. Then, on her lunch hour, she went to the store where the chains had been purchased and got her money back. Brilliant.
If you don’t have stories like this to tell, your brand may be in trouble. If your customers aren’t telling positive stories about you, they may be telling negative stories about you. In short, if there’s no word-of-mouth buzz about your brand, your customer service probably stinks. “Adequate” ain’t good enough anymore. A brand isn’t something that’s “nice to have if you can afford it” as some people have said. It’s an essential ingredient to your business plan.
If you don’t think storytelling is an important part of branding, count how many times you tell (or are tempted to tell) the Nordstrom story to co-workers, friends, peers, business acquaintances or people at conferences. “
Are You Acting Like My Dog Apple?
Sometimes it’s hard to focus isn’t it? I often times see people acting like my cute dog Apple. For instance, I throw her the ball and with all the excitement in the world she goes after it, fast as a cheetah and hopping like a gazelle in the savannah! She picks it up and eagerly heads back to me for all of two seconds when she spots an imaginary speckle of dirt on the ground and starts sniffing away and forgetting all together about her mission of bringing me back the ball. People do that too you see; they’re eager in the beginning but they get distracted along the way because they don’t see immediate gratification.
I see that all the time! They’re determined in their new venture, they give it all they’ve got only to let go of it before it can payoff. Kind of like a rocket… they power it up for what seems to be an eternity, make sure everything is working properly, the flames start coming out of the nozzle, the ground around them trembles, it’s going to take off, oh yes it’s now, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6… but it never makes it.
So sad.
Most first-time business owners think business is like riding a bike downhill… oh so fun!! They don’t realize though, that they need to ride it back up.
Don’t know what’s up with the analogies today! Business is like a Rubik’s Cube… you know what it’s supposed to look like in the end, but getting the colors to line up is a hell of a challenge! However, it’s extremely gratifying and the thrill of doing it is unquestionably good. Kind of like that tasty treat Apple gets when she finally brings me the ball!