Go Deep And Not Wide… but be Prepared if You Must Start Drilling Elsewhere!

Oh you’ve read it in several books and heard it from innumerous people, “you must have a laser focus, go deep, stay narrow, don’t go too wide, focus focus focus.”

I tend to accept something if I keep hearing it over and over again even if I’m not quite sure why they say it, especially when successful people keep saying it – they’re successful they must know a thing or two about business! Here’s the thing though, everything has a context and just because that snippet of text stands out does not mean it’s entirely true.

You see, yes you must focus, but you must also be prepared to change your target. It’s the natural process of life, things change, they evolve and one must be ready to accompany and adapt to such changes. What’s important today might not be as significant tomorrow.

It’s ok to change, I see it as a sign of strength.

GE just recently announced that they’re not going to sell appliances anymore. That’s huge! Let’s face it, they’re fairly known for that! And yet, focusing elsewhere becomes a distinct and more desirable challenge that will lead to greater profits.

Shoemoney recently blogged about something similar – same thing… when you grow, as you evolve no matter in what stage you’re in, your willingness to perfect and remodel your business to achieve greater things increases, and one must be willing to take that step forward.

So if you’re focusing and drilling deep, keep doing it, but don’t be afraid to start drilling somewhere else when time proves it’s a better thing to do.

10 Ways to Succeed in Business!

Business can be frustrating, confronting and time wasting… or it can be incredibly rewarding on many levels. It all depends on how you play the game of business and entrepreneurship. On this call we’ll show you how Wise Chicks do it.

From this event you will have clear insights into how you can maximise your time, find more balance in your business, gain that spark and energy that makes business fun and reignite your customers, teams, suppliers and partners.

If you desire to learn how to significantly improve your business and learn how to effectively make a difference in the world register free for tomorrow’s Wise Chicks Club monthly tele-seminar “10 Ways to Succeed in Business!

You Must Become the Best in Your Industry

Yes, it’s a must. In my opinion being the best in your industry does not simply mean having the best product or service, it’s a combination of traits and patterns that are inherent in you and your business.

I’m reading that book by Guy Kawasaki called ” Rules For Revolutionaries” (really good by the way!) and at one point he says something to the gist of if you have the best product in the world that doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if it’s perfect if other things like customer service and the likes come in second place. Like he said, if that were true Bill Gates would be serving coffee at Starbucks today!

Sure you need to have a good product or service, but acknowledging that it’s good and knowing all about it is just not enough. You want to become the expert in your field and this will bring you customers. How do you do it? Know as much as possible about your topic, which means constantly educating yourself on the latest information in your industry. You also want to provide stellar customer service. This means going the extra mile to make sure your customers are satisfied with the purchases they make. Build value into your products or services and strive for constant improvement. Word travels fast on the internet, and you want others to say positive things about your business.

Book Publishing Made Easy

If you thinking about publishing a book or you have a book you need to market, I’d like to suggest you read the E-book, Fast and Furious Book Promotion. It has everything you need to know to become a best seller author.

Want to reach millions of people?

If you want to cut through the clutter and reach your ideal target audience, so you can get your ideas, products and services in front of millions, then I have some great news for you!

You see, Ken McArthur has just published a book that is perfect for people who are on a mission to reach the masses.

Even better …

Ken is handing out thousands of dollars worth of bonuses and even zero cost tickets to live events to people who order his book, but even if you DON’T want Ken’s book, you can still make out like a bandit and invest NOTHING.

Ken is handing out some amazing tips and resources, with audios and videos from some impact building experts which you can download INSTANTLY right now.

Small Business Owners, Authors, Speakers, CEOs, and champions of worthy non-profit organizations need to be successful. But what do all these people have in common?

Right! They all need to reach an large audience.

David Shenk, in his book “Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut,” states that in 1971 we were exposed to an average of 560 advertising messages per day. By 1997 that number had grown to over 3,000.

Today conservative estimates put it at over ten thousand!

That’s each and every day!

Think about it: Every time you flip through a newspaper or magazine, you encounter hundreds of ads. Add to that everything from TV and radio ads to product placements, billboards, direct mail and postcards, ads on the Internet from every direction (an hour of surfing on the web can easily yield more than a thousand ads), ads on the sides of trucks, vans, signs hung on telephone poles, telemarketing ads, door-to-door salesman, the list goes on.

You can easily see how they add up quickly!

Everywhere we turn we’re being bombarded with ads from any and every direction. And that’s a BIG problem. It’s one of the reasons why businesses that always found it easy to turn a profit are starting to see their customer base dry up.

They’re finding it increasingly difficult to maintain their growth, even seeing income they once took for granted shrivel up and die. And forget it if you’re a newcomer to the entrepreneurial world.

The odds are stacked higher against you than they ever were in the history of mankind! But more importantly, you need to cut through all that clutter out there and get your message delivered, and more importantly acted on!

Ken McArthur, just spent a solid year researching and mastering the problem of how to get your ideas, products and services noticed, and make sure that people spread your message to the masses so that you can have a personal impact in a world that doesn’t always want to pay attention.

Ken shares exactly what he discovered in his new book, Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World.

Ken surveyed THOUSANDS of people to set up his system through the MBS Internet Research Center, so you know this is GOOD.

Grab thousands of dollars worth of bonuses and even zero cost tickets, plus amazing tips and resources, with audios and videos from some impact building experts which you can download INSTANTLY right now.


Is Your Business Recession Proof?

I’ve noticed that while in business I’ve acquired a few habits – one of those has been a keen observation of surrounding businesses. I believe that it’s my duty to analyze and study the successful ones, and those emerging around me to see what they do and how they do it. Of course I’ll always have an opinion about something they’re doing! 🙂

In any case, one of those companies is Disney. I have learned so much from them solely by observing their methods and procedures and encourage you to do the same.

Recently on CNNMoney.com they published an article called “No such thing as recession in Disneyland?“. I love it because it goes to show that such a well orchestrated business like Disney was able to boost their earnings amidst an era where most companies are struggling.

Like Disney, what systems do you have in place in your business to make it recession resilient?

Making an Impact With Your Brand

BusinessWeek Online recently published an article on How to Build Brand Friendship. They said that To create a truly powerful brand, you need to establish a sense of belonging, friendship, and dependability between product and customers.

I agree with that, especially in today’s world where the consumer participates and engages in our businesses on a whole different level.

A little while ago we interviewed Jim Banister author of Word of Mouse (if you’re a Buzz Inner Circle member you may listen to the interview here) One of the things I like about Jim is that he often stresses that in our businesses we must create engines of engagement.

So my question to you is this: in your business how are you engaging your clients and prospects? How are you making them producers of your business? As producers they feel a sense of commitment and of belonging, and as Steve McKee mentions, that’s a crucial step in creating a powerful brand.

Regular and Interesting Contact is a Key to Success

How do you maintain contact with your clients and prospects? Sure you can have the usual emails they can sign up for, but why not have something that a lot of companies do not have… a printed newsletter?

This is no normal newsletter; it’s a quarterly or monthly newspaper style professional high quality publication. Yes, it can be a bit of an investment. However, I’m sure that it pays off – we do it in our business, and we wouldn’t continue to publish it if it didn’t.

Your newsletter may feature letters from customers, articles related to all aspects of your industry, testimonials, insider secrets, industry announcements, tips and so on. Also, in each issue why not feature your products and services available for ordering? You definitely want a call to action in there.

Remember though, make it so that your clients look forward to each new issue with a passion. Yes, with a passion…

The “TodaysGuest” FAB-5 Radio Interviews Shahar Boyayan

As you might have heard Shahar was interviewed by the Story Lady on the FAB-5 Radio Show on BlogTalkRadio yesterday.

In case you missed it, you may listen to it by visiting our ‘In The Media’ page: http://www.buzzbooster.com/media/index.php

Happy Listening! 🙂