When should you post your online videos?

That is another question related to social media marketing and online videos.
As in any media, online videos also have a prime time.

First you need to answer if your videos are for general use of the end consumer, like people watching from home or if it is to be watched by a business audience, during work hours.

Second you need to take into consideration where in the world the majority of your audience is and take into consideration the time frame there.

Prime time to post online videos:

For home audience: Between 4pm and 9pm

For a business audience: 7am to 9am, 11am to 1pm, 3pm to 5pm

You should avoid posting outside these frames

15 Reasons You Should Be Starting Your Own Business

1. You have control
2. Financial freedom
3. You get to be the boss
4. You can write off more expenses
6.The opportunity to engage your creativity on a daily basis.
5. You can benefit from the talents of others
7. Recognition
8. Equity
9. It’s easy
10. You can work from home
11. Greater personal freedom.
12. Work and play according to your natural biorhythms.
13.Opportunity to make a difference and see the real impact of your work.
14. Be an example to family and friends that it is possible to create and build a life you want.
15. Spend more time doing the things you enjoy and the things you are good at and hire other independent entrepreneurs to fill in the gaps.

What is keeping you? Start your own social media marketing agency now!

Reasons why people shop

1. The potential customer needs something.
2. They have discovered that your store has that item.
3. They’re comfortable with your store’s reputation.
4. They know where your store is and can easily get to it.
5. They feel comfortable being in your store.
6. They trust your store to complete the transaction safely.
7. They’re willing to tell others that they’ve transacted with you.

Now you need to check if in your business you have created purchase channels for each of these reasons.
Yes, marketing is about selling too not just promoting.

Social Media Marketing, The most sought after service

Every small business owner knows now that they need to be online and using social media marketing. They also know that many of the things they were doing as part of a small business marketing strategy is not yielding the return they once were. Things like newspaper advertising, Yellow pages etc.

There is also the fact that the cost to invest in social media is a lot lower than other options they tried in the past and that alone makes social media marketing very sexy to business owners.

When it comes to implement social media they soon learn it is not that easy to do it yourself and can be very time consuming. Plus, they have other aspects of their business where they rather spend time.

They don’t really want to learn how to do it and they for sure don’t want to do it.

So they are pulling their hair out trying to find companies that can implement social media marketing for them.

They want a company that has the proper structure and right strategy to bring an effective plan, not just another assistant that knows how to make friends on Facebook, but they don’t want the big advertising agencies either because they come with the same price points they are used in traditional advertising.

So, what is the small business owner to do?

Find a boutique social media agency that understands small business marketing, can create effective strategies and deliver what it promises.

This boutique social media agency could be you. Easily making over 6 figures a year.

Just attend tomorrow’s teleseminar on How to create your own social media agency.

Is e-mail dead?

Every now and then someone comes around saying e-mail as a small business marketing strategy is dead.

Well, let me give you some data about mobile marketing and e-mails:

A look overall at how US consumers with mobile internet access spend their mobile online time, the study finds email represents a leading 38.5% of time spent. No other activity comes close, with social networking coming in a
distant second (10.7%). This data comes from The Nielsen Company’s “State of the Media 2010.″

Americans watching more online videos

Gaining its share of some of this increased internet audience, the online video market continued to gain
momentum in 2010, with an average of 179 million Americans watching video each month, according to a
new white paper from comScore. Engagement levels also rose during the year, with viewers watching online
videos more frequently.
Americans also spent about 12% more hours viewing online video in 2010 (14.2) compared the prior year
(12.7) due to increased content consumption and more video ad streams. The average American streamed a
record 201 videos in December 2010, up 8% from 187 a year earlier.

77% goes to Youtube while 3.1% goes to Hulu

Did I mentioned all businesses should be using online videos in their social media marketing efforts. Let me say that in different words: Small business marketing needs to contain online videos.

Users spend more time on social networks

On average, global web users across 10 countries spent roughly five and a half hours on social networks in February 2010, up more than two hours from February 2009.

Don’t forget that YouTube is a social network. On average people spend 19.2 hours on YouTube a month. Facebook gets 64.3 hours. Twitter just 1 hours. What is going on here?

Top 10 social network sites

by U.S. Market Share of Visits (%), March 2011
Source: Experian Hitwise

Facebook 64.2%
YouTube 19.6%
MySpace 1.4%
Yahoo! Answers 1.2%
Twitter 1.1%
Tagged 0.8%
myYearbook 0.4%
Linkedin 0.4%
Mylife 0.4%
Club Penguin 0.3%

Take a look on the difference between YouTube and Twitter and Linkedin