Are you Facebook drunk?

Don’t get me wrong. We think Facebook is great for business when you know how to do it right. Remember, there is a big difference between using social media for social purposes and using social media marketing for business, and most businesses don’t get it.

but the point here is that some companies and service professionals put all their coins on Facebook thinking that will be enough as a marketing strategy.

Well, here is some data that will get you thinking:

Gallup data indicates men (42%) are about as likely as women (45%) to have a Facebook page. However, men (63%) are 12.5% more likely than women (56%) to say they visit Google in a given week.
Overall, 40% more US adults say they use Google in a typical week (60%) than have a Facebook page (43%).

Start a Social Media Agency

This is the kind of event you cannot miss if you are planning to open a business.

This is a webinar that will guide you through the process of starting your own social media agency. This is a business in high demand and inexpensive and easy to start.
Social media marketing is something all businesses need to be doing but unfortunately only a small percentage is really doing it.

This is a great opportunity for you and nothing should stop you from attending this webinar.

Register now: Start a social media agency webinar

This webinar will be on July 6th.

Social Media marketing: The power of online videos

We just did an interview with Bob the Teacher Jenkins on online video.
Bob has a step by step formula on how to create the best videos and how coaches and consultants com leverage their business by using online videos.

As you probably know, online videos is one of the best tools when thinking of social media marketing and all businesses should take advantage of videos.

Listen to the full interview now: Video Velocity

Creating confident, courageous, successful women

There are times we need an extra push. We need someone to boost our self-esteem, help us stop self-sabotage and just get us to be the best we can be.
Having a business is not easy and we tend to get in the way of our success more than we thing.
I know I self-sabotage quite often.
If this is your case, you need to know this company and check their very unique system to help women in business be successful and create a legacy of purpose-driven prosperity.

Kathleen Ashton, the founder can help you be all you can be.

Stop self-sabotage now!

How often should I post on Social Media?

This is a question we get everyday with some variations.
How often should I put a video on YouTube?
How often should I blog?
How often should I Tweet?
How often should I update my status on Facebook?

I can tell you how often you should post on social media environments when you are doing it for business. There is no rule on this topic but some tests have been done for optimum results.

The world is not going to end if you cannot follow one of them.
Remember social media marketing is a process and you have to set your goals to get attention from your market, not only visibility.

Also take into consideration that you have to provide good content most of the time and 2% of the time have a call to action. Your audience needs to be educated on the fact that you are doing this for business and they should not expect everything for free.

i know this is a touchy point but remember you are marketing a business and businesses need to have sales in order to have profits. Lead with good content but remind them of your business.

Here it goes:

Twitter: 8 to 18 posts a day. Twitter has a short shelf life.

Facebook: No more than 3 posts.

YouTube: 3 a week (for generic videos, not a Web Show)

Blogs: Once a day.

Meet the best Marketing minds

Would you like to spend a day with Dan Kennedy, Ali Brown, the BuzzBoosters, Fabienne Fredrickson, Perry Marshall, Yanik Silver, Alex Mandossian and many more marketing superstars?

It is very easy actually. They are all going to have a party and you are invited.

Robert Skrob is launching his new book and decided to celebrate with some of his closest friends.

you are invited too. Just need to RSVP for the marketing party and show uo

Twitter for Business- social media tools

Branding is great but social media marketing can and should be used to generate sales. Yes, social media for businesses need to generate sales and leads.

Here are a few tips on how to use Twitter to generate sales.
It is all about the approach you have while using this social media tool.
Your approach should be to talk in ways that could generate questions that your services answer and to find which conversations happening on Twitter are worth having from a business perspective.
You are looking to discover customers evolving needs.

Ask questions that would reveal details about their need.
Don’t forget to have a call to action to connect prospects with your sales funnel. Do CTA’s only 2% of the time.

Provide a stream of useful content.
Send them to different, useful destinations but include your service among them every now and then.

Social media agency secrets revealed

This Wednesday we are going to reveal how anyone can have a extremely successful social media agency.
Why this is one of the best options as a small business, how social media agencies will grow in the next few years and how you too can take advantage of this opportunity.
This is a webinar you cannot miss. Social media agency webinar. Register now!