Since we featured Chris Makel from Radiance Marketing blog posts twice this week, we thought you might enjoy watching her while she gives you another great marketing tip.
Attraction marketing: How to Create Your Unique Marketing Message!
I’d like to feature another post from Chris Makel talking on how to create a unique marketing message.
Here it is:
Many solopreneurs and small business owners focus on creating a “kick-ass” elevator pitch so that they’re armed when they are at networking events or asked the age old question, “what do you do?”
One of the reasons they struggle with creating the clarity needed to create that powerful elevator pitch is because they aren’t clear on their unique marketing message.
This unique marketing message is as clarifying for you as it is for your prospect or client. It demonstrates that you know your prospect’s pain, why they’re experiencing it and how you can help them relieve the pain with your solution.
So, how do you create YOUR unique marketing message? Read on to learn three simple steps to begin crafting your message today, that will help make your elevator pitch more powerful and get your prospects take notice immediately!
Step #1 – Define your prospect’s problem…what is their pain point?
What is the pain they are facing today? Is it that they are not generating enough leads, they aren’t retaining their clients and need a simple “stay in touch” tool, or they don’t have enough energy to be more efficient and effective in their position?
How can you define the pain, SO clearly that the prospect will instantly know that you “get” them? Can you give them examples from your own experience? Can you tell them about case studies that illustrate the pain so that they can feel it, know that others experience it and have found a solution?
You have to make it as real for them as possible, because we are not always able to identify our own pain, so that we can easily find the solution.
Step #2 – Explain why they are having the pain.
Let’s use the “need to generate leads” pain point as an example. Perhaps the strategies they’ve been using are to attract local prospects. And either they aren’t finding new prospects with their current methods or they should consider shifting to an online presence.
How often do you see smart business owners networking at local meetings and yet their websites don’t even offer the ability to capture their prospects contact information? It may be obvious to you, but the prospect may not see the “gold 3 feet in front of them”.
You have the opportunity to give them clear examples as to why they are in this place of pain and demonstrate that you have some expertise by explaining the what and why of their challenge.
Step #3 – Demonstrate how you and your solution can relieve their pain.
Once you’ve identified the prospect’s pain point to the degree that they KNOW you get it and then explain the WHY of their pain, your next step is to demonstrate how you relieve the pain with your solution. This becomes a welcomed conversation. It’s as if your prospect hears you describe a headache and the reason they are having the headache and they can’t wait until you give them the aspirin to remove said headache! And if your solution provides that kind of relief, you are obligated to help them. And they are far more likely to want to work with you.
So get some paper and a pen and dedicate some time to writing out your unique marketing message based on this three-step process. It will help you identify your prospect’s pain, the situation they are in that’s causing the pain and how you and your solution can provide the “painkiller” they are searching for.
This exercise will give you your unique marketing message in the language your prospect easily hears, responds to and appreciates.
Attraction Marketing: Marketing Transparency
This is a great post by Chris Makell that I’ve posted below on Marketing Transparency.
In my mail last week, I received an interesting letter from my Acura dealer. I purchased my TL 4 years ago and am proud to say it’s paid off! Yay!
Having purchased cars for over 20 years (yeah, don’t try to do the math…smile) I’ve never had this experience before. And I thought, if we as business owners used this level of marketing transparency with our clients, wow…what that could mean!
Let me share a bit of the letter so that you see what I mean. It begins:
“Dear Ms. Makell,
Acura realizes the more transparent the auto buying experience, the more enjoyable it is for our customers.” Ok, so you’re probably saying, “duh.”
But it goes on… “As a loyal customer of Acura (I do let them change my oil, only) you can expect to receive updated quotes periodically, to keep you informed of your options. When the time is right to upgrade to a new vehicle you’ll have all the information you need.”
Ok, again, you’re probably saying, Chris, makes sense…you may be ready to “think” about a new car since your car is now in it’s 5th year and they want to be sure you think of them! Obvious, right?
Do you do this with YOUR clients? I don’t…
This is an excellent example of follow up AND ensuring client loyalty. By connecting with me to let me know that THEY know I may be ready to purchase another Acura and providing me with great pricing options, I am more likely to return to an Acura model. I can tell you Toyota didn’t do that…
So, how can you make this “marketing transparency” work for you and your business?
Consider this… After you’ve concluded a program with your clients, or they’ve purchased a product from you, create a system to follow up or check in with them. Let them know what new programs your have or new products you’re offering. This could be as simple as sending a postcard, regular card, short note to see how your client (never a “former”, once a client — always a client) is doing or how they are still getting results from their time with you. Or you can simply give them a call to say hi, I was thinking of you!
How about letting them invest in a new program or product by giving them an “incentive” price based on their past spending with you? You can also give them one month free in a new program, or buy one get one free!
It’s simply letting them know that they are still top of mind for you. Clients really appreciate that!
Listen, what Acura doesn’t know is that I tend to keep my cars for an average of 9 years, but I am so impressed with this approach, that I immediately saw it’s value for my customers. I like my TL a lot — for me and I like this approach a lot — for my clients! Maybe you will too…
Attraction Marketing: How to be seen as an expert on Twitter
I’m leaving to Saint George for a speaking commitment but wanted to make sure you could see this post. A few weeks ago I talked about the difference between using social media for business or for fun.
Today I read this post on how experts should behave on Twitter and thought you’d enjoy.
Attraction marketing with online videos
Do you still need to be convinced in using online videos to attract more clients and sales?
I’ve compiled some more facts to you:
Online video marketing will help you a lot with traffic generation since some videos will rank in the search engines. People watching videos in different video sharing sites will also visit your site.
Because they rank in search engines, they will help you with search engine optimization.
Online video marketing will help you create more visibility across different social networks.
They will allow you in mobile marketing too.
Not to mention they create awareness for your brand and position you as an expert.
85% of the US population watches videos online.
There are over 79 different places where you can submit a video. Of course YouTube is the big player in this market.
Here a few more things on YouTube:
43% of US population watch videos on YouTube.
YouTube has 144 million viewers and 1/3 are americans.
The average person watches on average 100 videos a month, that is about 15 minutes a day.
YouTube provides content in 60 days in the same amount that took TV 60 years.
When you submit a video to YouTube you can at the same time post on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace etc.
Isn’t this the best time for you to start attracting more clients with online videos?
Social media trap?
I was reading a very interesting blog post from Leo Laporte Buzz Kill and couldn’t help thinking “My feelings exactly”.
It is so disappointing when you believe in one tool, spend time on it to see later no one is listening. There are two points here that we need to discuss. First like Leo mentioned, he neglected his own blog for shining tools. This happens with most of us. Neglect our own media channels to waste time with other tools. We should pay a lot of attention to media outlets we can have more control like our blogs, podcasts, videos shows. Use other tools like Twitter and Facebook to promote our channels, not just talk there. Second, the fact that we have thousands of followers and friends does not mean they are paying attention to us. We find ourselves talking to people excited to connect and not interested in paying attention. Goldfish that cannot pay attention over 9 seconds and this is a sad thing.
So, my suggestion is: have media channels where you can control your message and take good care of them. Use other tools with a strategy behind it and as support tools to broadcast your message. Don’t waste time trying to become a popular cheerleader and don’t overvalue tools that might not be here a year from now.
The future of TV and possibilities for Web TV shows
We will mesh internet and tv in the near future. Roku boxes are already here and allow people to stream films from the internet to their TV. Now Google TV is here. All these boxes will bring great possibilities for Web tv shows. imagine thousands of very specific channels streaming shows to your tv 24/7 on topics you love. Web shows will feed these channels and will create a different type of TV very different that what we have now and with different advertising models.
This blog post by Gigdon gives an in dept view on Google TV.
Attraction Marketing: Small things that businesses can do
I saw this sign in a store today. It is such a clever way to tell moms to take care of their kids. It is clever because it approached a potential difficult situation with humor and incorporated some magic into it. not hard to do and effective and a lot less annoying than signs that say: don’t do this, don’t touch that. Attracting and keeping clients is not difficult, just require people to think a little bit out of the box and try new things. People will be attracted to your business if you can incorporate some storytelling. This store did this with a sign.

Attraction Marketing, How Vosges Chocolates becomes irresistible
Easy to be irresistible if we talk about chocolate. When we talk about chocolate companies it is another story unless you are talking about Vosges chocolate. This company understands attraction marketing, consumer engagement and the irresistible factor. Take a look at this video to see how Vosges incorporates mystique in its packaging.
Creating an irresistibel business with grilled cheese
We tend to over complicate things when they are related to marketing a small business. We just need to think what would make our business attractive to our market and take action on it. Any business can do it. Let me tell you the story of a guy that sells sandwiches from his apartment: