List of continuity models

Every business should have a continuity program. A continuity program is what brings residual income every month and allows your business to grow exponentially. You can incorporate a continuity program in any kind of business or it can be a business in itself.
Some examples you find out there of continuity programs are: fruit of the month, mustard of the month, pizza loyalty programs, puzzles time share etc. Here is a list of some continuity models that are popular and use information on its base. There is room to create other models. Prices vary according to number of items members get every month and the perceived value. Prices also vary according to the industry you are in, so the best approach is always to test which price would attract buyers in your industry. Note that programs that have a component delivered by mail every month tend to have a better retention than the ones that are 100% online.

1. Cd of the month interview
2. Cd of the month + transcription
3. Cd + newsletter
4. Printed newsletter
5. Newsletter + CD + transcription
6. Dvd of the month
7. CD/DVd of the month
8. Newsletter + CD/DVD rom
9. Training lessons
10. Reviews and summaries
11. Mp3 of the month- delivered online only
12. Mp3 + transcription
13. Micro membership with videos
14. Micro membership with mp3
15. Micro membership (reports) – It is called micro-membership because it has a fixed term or a final date. This model tends to work well during bad economic times because people feel better knowing that there is a final date- anything that has a system works well in this model.
16. micro membership by e-mail
17. membership site- needs to be heavy in content and be constantly updated. Tends to have a high drop-out rate.
18. membership + physical product
19. Softwares
20. Done 4 you services. This one tends to have a good retention because there is a pain of disconnection.
21. Monthly Webinars
22. Private forum
23. Resell rights club
24. Membership association
25. Consumer products of the month
26. Tele seminar coaching
27. Tele seminar + CD
28. Teleseminar + live event
29. Big ticket item
30. Certification Program
31. Coaching- Mastermind groups- 1 to 1 coaching

No matter which model you choose, you will have to figure how much information your audience will be willing to consume every month, because if you send them too much, they will get overwhelmed and will drop out of the program. You also need to have systems in place to bring new members every month.

What to take to #BlogWorld

In case you are going to attend BlogWorld expo this year, here are a few things to take:
1. Take an extra bag. Every time we been to BlogWorld we ran out of space in our bags, so this year, we are taking an extra one. There will be lots of info from companies and products you will want to bring with you. Lots of T-shirts. (Nash collects T-shirts from tech companies, so we always bring a bunch). I always get some more books there too and quite a few magazines.
2. Not a bad idea to have a tote with you there either, just to make your life easier.
3. Comfortable shoes. You are going to walk a lot there. Between sessions and the expo, there is a lot of walking. Even if you are like us, always in business attire, put on very comfortable shoes.
4. Video camera, photo camera and audio recorder. This is a must. You will meet so many fabulous people, you need to take a picture with them. The speakers are great, so why not get some interviews too? One of my goals this year is to meet and interview for our magazine Leo Laport host of Twig, one of the best podcasts out there. I don’t know how he looks like, since I only listen the podcast, so it is going to be interesting to figure a way to find him. We have a big list of other people we want to interview. You can check the speakers at the BlogWorld site.
5. Take extra batteries. There are no places close by to get batteries.
6. Sleep a lot before you go. You will not have a lot of time to sleep there. There are parties, shows and a lot of networking happening the whole time.
7. Check all the meet ups happening too.
8. Join the international blogging and new media association while you are there.
9. Don’t forget to say hi to us. Twitter id: buzzbooster

Getting ready for BlogWorld

We are busy getting ready to go to BlogWorld Expo in Vegas next week.
In our opinion is one of the best events covering new media marketing.
Great speakers, great events and a lot of networking.
If you plan to be there, let us know so we can get together.
Our Twitter id is: buzzbooster
See you there!

How to sell more in today’s market

You hear all the time that people don’t want to be sold, that traditional advertising is dead and you need to approach clients in a different way.
But how do you do that?
Here is a small list that will help you attract clients and sell more.
1. Use the word YOU often. People want to know what your product or service can do for them.
2. Answer these questions: What is this about? Why should I care? What’s in it for me and what do I have to do? People might not word these questions, but they will be thinking about it.
3. Increase your credibility by showing passion, expressiveness and accessibility.
4. Generate emotion. Have in mind that people tend to buy with the heart and justify with the mind. Go for emotion first, features later.
5. Vary the way you present. Remember that some people are visual, some auditory, some kinesthetic. Use text, pictures, props.
6. Become a storyteller. People love stories, stories are engaging and can generate powerful emotions. You can tell stories with pictures, analogies and words.
7. Don’t use too much information. People only want the amount of information they can use. Less is more. Too much information will only overwhelm people and the confused mind doesn’t take action. More words do not equal more impact.
8. Be transparent. Let your personality show.
9. Don’t be boring. Boring is really bad for business.
10. Be honest and be someone people can trust.

Sales will follow.

Calling all women in Utah

For women in Utah, a great event to attend this Saturday:

They are taking a lot longer

TweetIt from HubSpot
Customers are taking a lot longer to buy today. They want to be sure they are making the right decision.
Therefore, it is important to keep in touch with them in a structured way.
It is your job to anticipate when, how and where they want to hear from you and once you decide how to get in touch with you, it is important to be consistent.
As you probably know, today they expect to be engaged in a dialogue and not to be pushed to buy.
Here are a few points you need to have in mind when trying to engage customers for a long term relationship.

1.In order to engage your customers you need to know your site visitors.
You can do this by tracking their behavior on your site and using polls and surveys.

2. You need to listen to them. With social media tools this is easy. You can use Twitter, Facebook to listen to your audience. It is very important to understand their motivation.
When you understand how they behave and their intentions you avoid making recommendation at the wrong moment.

3. You need to aligned your goals with your customer’s goals. This will help you target better products, recommendations and to make the right offers at the right time. This can have a huge impact in your business.

4. Customize your touchpoints. Create unique follow-up interactions that are tailored to their specific needs and with the unique relationship they have with your business. It is important to use a good database where you can have a history of interactions with your clients.

5. Rinse and repeat on a consistent basis.

Business Storytelling

by Shahar Boyayan
We had a great labor day weekend! We attended a storytelling festival here in Utah. It was an amazing event attended by thousands of people. Families would be together some times with members of 4 generations, all laughing or crying with the same stories.

The power of stories in our lives is greater than we think.
Stories put the audience in a world of sensory impressions where it combines reality with the story. We feel like we lived trough the experience even if we only heard it.
When we listen to the storyteller, we get a subliminal message that he/she cares for the audience. One can say that stories equal caring.

We as business owners and leaders need to master storytelling and we need to acquire the ability to tell stories and motivate people to act.

You can tell stories with your voice, picture, packages etc.

Here are a few points to consider:

You may use stories from any source as long as you can tie them into the world of your prospect.

* Your story needs to have a point or it will be a waste of time.

* Make the story personal and add passion to it.

*Contrast what your prospect’s life was like before your service and their life after.

* Present specific, tangible benefits.

* Diagnose the pain

* Highlight the gain.

One simple way to tell a story with pictures is the before and after pictures you see in weight loss programs.

By looking at the contrast of the before and after, the story is told, it is personal, since you see the picture of the person, it shows the pain before and the gain after the product was used.

I always like to give the example of a great story told in a package using the packages of Vosges Chocolates.

In every package the company call you to use your 5 senses when trying their chocolate. You should take a look at one, because it is a very good example of business storytelling and how it can engage consumers.

Social Media Marketing 101

We will give a workshop on social media marketing on Sept 10th at the Murray WIB
The Women in Business from Murray Chamber will sponsor this event.

Presented by the BuzzBoosters, find out how to be found, followed and be the intentional leader of your market. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, is all covered during this presentation.

RSVP required:

This is a FREE event

The event will be held at Columbia College in Murray, Utah

Speech to text conversion

Did you know?
by source:
Google is now using speech tot ext conversion. That means that they take the SPOKEN text from your videos, and convert it to text.
While they won’t tell us WHY they do that, the obvious answer is that they are looking for RELEVANT CONTENT! They now use your spoken text to categorize and rank your video.

Why they use Twitter?

Twitter forecasts that by December 09 it will have over 50 million users. Google took 10 years to have 50 million people a day using its search engine and Facebook took 19 months.
Why people adopt tools like Twitter in such a fast and passionate way?

Many reasons there but one main reason is that tools like Twitter allow people to have a mass 2 way communication and this is very powerful for people and for businesses.
It is the one to many and many to one era.
Instant feedback is another powerful reason.
We can also say that many people look for leaders to help them live a better life and Twitter allows them to listen and meet other people.

The possibility to meet people is another big reason. Kind of the same reason you would go to a party. To have fun, meet people and learn more about them.
Here is where most businesses fail not only when using Twitter but other social media tools.
They meet someone and the next second they are either trying to sell you something or offering something for fre@.
People are not interested at this moment in getting things from you, they just want to know you better and maybe start a new relationship.

Do you invite friends to a barbecue and right when they get there you try to sell them Tupperware?
Same common sense goes here.
Sales will happen later when they get to know you better and the trust level is higher.
All you really have to do is let people know you better. At least a little better than they know your competition.
Did you know that 63% of people on Twitter follow people that have a nice smile?

Do you approach a guy with a sad face at a barbecue?
One frequent question we get is: But what do I do there on Twitter?
Perry Belcher, a heavy Twitter user says that 30% of the time, you should tweet about things that would make people’s life better, 10% you would compliment people. (that is something we all need more of), 20% try to make people laugh and 40% of the time you would provide good content. When you provide content you can add some soft sales calls.
I believe that is a good mix.
You should try Twitter. Twitter can be a great marketing tool in your business.

We all feel comfortable doing the things we are used to do but you need to remember that in this new economy, just trying to do more of what you have been doing thinking that will do the trick is not an option. It is like running faster on the same path trying to get to a destination when the destination is in a different place.