Texting while driving psa commercial

This video is very graphic and hard to watch, but is a great effort to stop texting while driving among teenagers.
Even though intellectually people might understand that, seeing this video will leave a strong impression

How to become viral?

To have a piece that becomes viral you need to:
Do something remarkable
Do something that engages people.

Like this Belgian television stunt done in a train station to promote a TV show looking for someone to play the leading role in the Sound of Music

Can you count how many people have cameras and cel phones recording and broadcasting this?

Social Media Marketing Facts

Did you know?
•Successful companies in social media act more like party planners, aggregators, and content providers than traditional advertiser
•More than 1.5 million pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) are shared on Facebook…daily.
Hulu has grown from 63 million total streams in April 2008 to 373 million in April 2009
• 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations
• Only 14% trust advertisements
•Because of the speed in which social media enables communication, word of mouth now becomes world of mouth

Blogging in corporations

Very often we get companies that want to start a blog because they think it is an easy way to generate more traffic and leads. That is not the primary benefit of a blog and it is important to understand that. Of course, because blogs tend to be keyword rich, over time that will help your rankings, but this is almost a side benefit. In order to generate traffic and leads, the company needs to be seriously committed with the blog and understand that they are after a blog generates recurring traffic with a regular readership. To achieve this goal, the company needs to create engines of engagement that will bring people back to the blog. A regular readership is the end goal for the company.
There are a few things that a company needs to consider before starting a blog.

1. Long term commitment
2. You need to engage people. It is not about just giving information about your company. Ask for feedback, ask for questions.
3. Press releases shouldn’t appear on a blog.
4. Have a face and a personality. People don’t like companies, they like other people.
5. Accept criticism
6. Be real, be transparent
7. Summarize a post at the beginning and in the title. Be controversial to grab users attention.
8. Use headings to grab attention and summarize content.
9. Use images to break up the copy and communicate key points.
10. Don’t make long posts. Less than 500 words.
11. and yes, your competitors will read your blog. Don’t worry, that is part of the game.

Cymatics- the other side of sound

This is not only a cool video but shows a different perspective of how we see sound.

3 stages of consumer engagement

The 3 stages of consumer engagement.

Imagine a world when you could start a business and have people engaged with your company, talking about you to others and not buying anywhere else.
Wouldn’t that be great?
Unfortunatelly that is not usually what happens.
Most companies need to go through three basic stages before they can say they have people really engaged with their brand.

Stage 1- Listen to your market

We cannot engage people if we don’t listen to what they are saying, their wants and needs. We need to understand to which topics they react to, what they expect from us and how they want us to approach them.
Remember, the way we do business has changed a lot in the last few years and the way people buy has also changed.
Today, more than ever, it is very easy to listen to your target market. It is one reason why you should use social media tools.
You can listen and get more information about your target market than you ever dreamt possible.Twitter comes to mind as one of the best tools to listen what your target market is saying.

Stage 2
Build an audience.

We all want and need an audience.This is the moment in your business where you want to create awareness, you want attention. Attention is not easy to get today. People have a lot of options to where to look and I dare to say that the search for attention is the new gold rush.
When you build an audience, you have people that want to get together to listen to you.
This can be done with events, teleseminars, videos etc.
When you do this right, you get people participating with you on an ongoing basis.
The level of trust will increase which in today’s economy is a crucial point for your business.
At this stage is where consumer engagement really happens and it is where word-of-mouth really starts.

Stage 3- Build Your Tribe

Seth Godin was the first to tell us we need to build a tribe, a community that you lead.
The first thing you need in order to build your tribe is to have a cause, a reason why people would follow you, where they feel they can contribute and feel affinity with one another and empowered.
Yes, you can build a tribe around companies and products.
Your position here is different because you help the community with the ideas and concepts and showing where to go, but you don’t lecture.
This is as far as you could think from a one way conversation and it is an important part of this new economy. Social media tought us that our voice matters and that as consumer we have a say and we can be part. Business owners need to embrace this mindset.

On the first 2 stages, you have a lot of control and it is up to you to do it well.
The third stage will follow if you do the first 2 right and if your cause, purpose is really clear to your audience.

Utah Pulse Interviews Shahar & Nash with BuzzBooster

We were interviewed by local news giant Utah Pulse about business storytelling, social media and consumer engagement. Take a look… I think it’s quite interesting, if I can say so myself! 😉

Being found with social media marketing

I bet many times when you hear people talking about social media marketing you think it is only a great way to brand a company.
I don’t blame you. Since most gurus don’t really have a clue on how to use social media for business, they talk about branding a lot.
There are several other reasons why social media is not an option in marketing anymore and is a must.
Have you heard of Alexa.com? If you are one of my clients, you sure did.
Alexa is a tool that tells you the popularity of websites and allows you to compare page views.
You can go to www.Alexa.com and download the tool bar for your computer.
Anyway, I’d like you at least to visit their site and try to compare Google.com with YouTube.com and check the pageviews.
You will see that YouTube has more page views than Google.
Can you believe this?
If you do the same with Google and Facebook, you will see that many days, Facebook has more page views than Google.
If you combine Facebook, MySpace and YouTube, you will see that they will have a higher reach than Google.
When you consider what Google is as a company and as a search engine, this data is really amazing.
Now, if you go to Google and star typing some words that you know have a lot of competition, do you know what happens?
Try “beautiful girls”. That is a search term with 70,300,000 results on Google.
There are 10 results per page. 7 of them, including the first four are from social media sites.
Try now “get six pack abs”- comes with 1,200,000 results.
6 of them are social media, including the first 3 results.
When you are doing anything online for business, you need to be found. You know people will not go beyond the first or second page on a search engine looking for something.
What do you do when you are in a competitive market?
What do you do when you don’t want to spend a lot of money to be on the first page?
What do you do to stay in the first page?
Yes, my friend, you stop being a pansy and start getting serious about using social media.
Wait too much, and this opportunity willbe gone. It is going to get crowded out there.
Read this post again, it is worth, it may change your business, and it is only one reason why you cannopt wait to use social media marketing.
I rest my case. Well, at least until next week.

Pizza Hut got it!

When you watch this video, you will see how Pizza Hut combined consumer engagement with sales. This app they have developed has all.

The customer is always right

We always talk about the importance of listening to your customer, have good follow-up strategies, keep a relationship and a conversation going with customers.

So sometimes, people get the wrong impression that this is the same as saying the customer is always right and that they have all final decisions. From how your business processes should be, to when they should pay you. Believe me, to understand this relationship is not only good for business, it is part of marketing too.

Have in mind that you as the business owner decide how to run your business, not the customer.
I found this blog post at Duct Tape marketing that I think explains this right:

“There is absolutely nothing wrong, in fact there’s everything right, with building a culture of making the customer thrilled at every turn, but you can’t adopt the mentality without two things firmly in place first.

1) You must absolutely set up every communication with the goal of attracting the ideal customer – ideal is a customer that values what you have to offer, values how you offer it, and determines that value is a mutual exchange of such – very much like any healthy relationship. Bad relationships come from misunderstanding yourself and what you really have to offer and the same might be said for attracting customers for the wrong reasons.

2) You must build an experience that does indeed thrill at every turn – from lead generation to getting paid.

With those two qualifications in place you can allow the customer to always be right, because you’ve designed a culture of mutual benefit and your “we won’t rest until its right” policy will serve both of you long term. Small businesses simply can’t afford to attract the wrong kind of life robbing customer and expect to make them thrilled, it’s a nearly impossible task and will be accomplished likely to the detriment of your ideal customers.”

So, repeat after me, the right customer is always right – with that mindset the accountability shifts from the customer to you.