Is your Marketing Disruptive? [BuzzBooster TV #116]

If you are not disrupting with your marketing right now prepare to be disrupted.

Take action. Start by watching this new episode of BuzzBooster TV

When businesses create disruption in the market, they innovate and create a category of one, becoming leaders. With Shahar and Nashlah.


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Children’s Feelings About Brands Persist into Adulthood

I know this is true for me

Consumer-brand companies’ investments in child-oriented advertising provide brand benefits long after the audience has grown up, says a team led by Paul M. Connell of the State University of New York at Stony Brook. For example, people in the UK who had been exposed to the Kellogg’s Frosties character Tony the Tiger as children and the Cocoa Pops character Coco the Monkey as adults rated Frosties as more healthful than Cocoa Pops (3.84 versus 3.24 on a 7–point scale), suggesting that the participants retained warm feelings about Tony from childhood. The findings raise concerns about child-oriented ad campaigns for products with potentially adverse health consequences, the researchers say.

Teenager girl makes chewing gum's bubble

SOURCE: How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist into Adulthood

Not Happy with Your Email Metrics? Include a Coupon

Emails with discounts have higher open, click and transaction rates
eMarketer estimates that last year, the majority of US adults used digital coupons, and that figure will rise to 55.0% this year. Judging by recent research, it’s likely that many of those coupons will come from emails.

According to a Q4 2013 study, emails sent by Experian Marketing Services clients that included coupons saw more success than those with no coupons. Email campaigns that offered recipients a coupon had a 34% higher unique click rate and a 14% higher unique open rate. In addition, transaction rates saw a 27% lift.


When Women Take Over Family Firms, Profitability Increases

A study of thousands of family-owned firms in Italy reveals that, on average, replacing a male CEO with a woman improves a company’s profitability, an effect that becomes more pronounced as the proportion of women on the board of directors increases, says a team led by Mario Daniele Amore of Bocconi University in Milan. Overall, the more women on the board of a female-led firm, the more profitable it is likely to be. The presence of women directors may make female CEOs feel more comfortable, improving cooperation and facilitating information exchange, the researchers say.

entrepreneurial mind
SOURCE: Gender Interactions Within the Family Firm

Who Moved My Parents? [Boomerology Revealed TV #02] Edit

Check the new Episode of Boomerology Revealed TV

Meet Anthony Cirillo author of Who Moved My Dentures, and join us in a conversation on how he sees assisted living facilities, how he faces the difficult conversation with his own mother and his choice. This is about a different conversation we need to have with our aging parents. We also visit a friend having problems with a stairs lift chair and we’ll show you the funniest video about baby boomers out there that has become a viral video and much more! With host Shahar Boyayan.

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This show is multicast in different ways to adapt to your style. You can subscribe on Itunes, on Roku you can get on the Buzz and Biz channel in Special Interests category, on Samsung Blu-ray players and on our channel on YouTube- Boomerology Revealed

Boomerology Revealed TV show

Here is a new show on our Buzz and Biz Network.

It is called Boomerology Revealed.

Boomerology Revealed is a TV show for boomers by boomers.

Each week we bring news about boomer’s lives, health and interviews.

The show broadcasts Worldwide through Smart TVs and OTTs like Roku and Samsung.

Also Available on Itunes and Online.

Boomerology Revealed is part of the Buzz and Biz show Network, a media company.

The show is hosted by Shahar Boyayan, a professional speaker, author, business owner and show host.

Directed by Nashlah Boyayan, Film major, professional speaker, business owner and the daughter.

High-Status People Perform Poorly After Being Humbled

When high-status people suffer a humbling loss, their performance tends to decline dramatically, because they’ve become dependent on their rank to maintain a positive view of themselves, say Jennifer Carson Marr of Georgia Institute of Technology and Stefan Thau of London Business School. For example, a study of Major League baseball players shows that in the 58% of salary arbitrations where players lost, the higher a player’s status, the greater the fall-off in performance the following year. If you’re a high-status person, sometimes the best way to cope with a work-related humiliation is to get a job with a new employer where you feel respected, say the researchers, whose study appears in the Academy of Management Journal.

SOURCE: High status is a liability when careers sputter, study finds