How to use Google Plus Communities [Buzzbooster Tv #62] Today you will see all about Google Plus communities. How over-the-top boxes can change the face of your business and some cool tools to help you become more productive.


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Connected TVs Reach One in Four Homes

Usage of connected TVs in US households was up by more than 25% last year, eMarketer estimates, and will continue to be taken up by Americans at double-digit rates through at least 2016.

By the end of this year, eMarketer expects 35.1 million US households will have at least one television connected to the internet, and at least one person in the household using the internet through that TV set on a monthly basis. eMarketer’s definition of connected TV includes any television connected to the internet, whether it’s an internet-enabled smart TV or connected via a set-top box or game console. Using connected TV includes, but is not limited to, watching video streamed over the internet.

That means nearly a quarter of all US households currently have and use connected TV, and by the end of 2013 that percentage will approach three in 10. In terms of individual users, penetration is somewhat lower: 17.4% of consumers used connected TV at least monthly as of the end of 2012, and 22.7% will do so by the end of this year.

The proportion of those with smart TVs—television sets with a built-in internet connection—is significantly lower, but growth prospects are good. eMarketer expects the number of households that have and use smart TVs to reach 40.2 million by 2016, up from 15.2 million last year.

Again, individual penetration rates are lower, at 9.8% of the population as of the end of 2012.

eMarketer forms its estimates of connected and smart TV usage based on the analysis of survey and traffic data from research firms and regulatory agencies, sales projections, historical trends, company-specific data, and demographic and socioeconomic factors.

We’ve been telling people here at BuzzBoosters that this is a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs to market their businesses without a lot of competition and to a very qualified audience.

You can check our webinar where we go in dept into the topic of marketing using set-u-boxesClick here: GoFar,GoFast,GoBig


Christmas is over but Santa has a big problem

Even Santa has to re-think his business.

Now that the holidays are over… you ate, you rested and spent time with loved ones, it is time to go back to business.

Let’s take a minute and think about Santa for a second, since Christmas is still fresh on our minds.

Santa has been in business for a long time and since I hear no complaints from children, we can assume he has a healthy business.

Now, Santa has a seasonal business so he must be careful and work very hard during a specific time of the year.

When it comes to manufacturing his toys he faces brutal competition coming from China. He cannot pay his elves such low wages. This type of unfair competition makes his work even harder.

How many reindeer does he have? 7? Have you checked the price of hay lately? It is through the roof and he has a very big route to cover.

When it comes to memorabilia and places to meet Santa to deliver the list, well, we can get most of it online at very cheap prices and send the list by e-mail or just get an app for that. It is almost as if we could replace Santa.

It is not a pretty scenario is it?

I’m sure Santa will be able to thrive and survive despite the challenges. What about your business?

All of us, including Santa have seen drastic changes in the market, in consumer behavior and in the perception of value people have of our businesses.

There is either a lot more competition out there or more technology to replace what we do. Every day we need to make a lot more effort to get people’s attention.

Not a pretty picture.

There is a huge need for you to not only use the beginning of this year to plan and craft a well crafted market plan for your business but also to think about fine tuning your positioning or in some cases even re-invent yourself.

We all need some fine tuning in our position if we want to be in business for the next five years.

Yes, it is going to involve some changes (oops, I just wrote a word marketers don’t use, because people don’t like it), some work, (oops, another one) and some money. (ai, ai, ai)

The truth is, with changes in the economy and consumer behavior, you have to stop fooling yourself that there is some magic or software out there to fix things. Take charge of your life and business. You and only you can change the outcome for better.

You need to take action and do what is necessary or you will see your business vanish from this planet.

Have in mind that I do wish you the best year ever, but it is not going to be great if you don’t do what you have to do.

ornaments8x10Position your mind and your business for success in 2013.

I advise you to take a look at our program: Magnetic Influence: Become Irresistible to Your Market.

It is a multi-media program that you can take on your own time. It covers the 7 Steps of Becoming Irresistible to Your Market. We go in-depth with several action steps.

No fluff here, just real, simple strategies for you to attract more clients and keep them buying from you.

It shows you how to position your business for this time/era, this new consumer, this new reality we live in.

You can do it. Just go to: to get lifetime access.

We have used this system for 3 years now with our clients. It has been tested in several industries and three different countries. It works if you implement.

Don’t wait:

Happy holidays

So the world didn’t end and we are heading for a brand new year.

We at Buzzboosters wish you Happy holidays and an amazing New Year. We really hope your wildest dreams can come true.

Here is our holiday message to you from the Buzzbooster team: Shahar, Nash, Mary Christine, Petar, Apple and Banana


6 days to Christmas Gift- Your own social media agency

Can you believe it is almost here?

Hope you are ready for Christmas.

We just came back from another networking party. It is a great time to meet old friends and clients.

Here is our gift for you today.


We have a program on how to structure a social media business. (something we’ve been doing ourselves for quite a while)

This is a great program if you want to become a social media manager, if you want to have your social media agency or if you provide some type of done for you services related to social media marketing.

We cover all the structure, systems, sales process, service delivery. There is nothing, nothing out there like this program.

We have documented all of our processes and strategies from client attraction to client retention when providing services in social media.


You can start the year fresh with a brand new business or give this opportunity to someone you love.

 This program is sold for $497 and for the next 24 hours you can get for $247


Just go here to get your spot:


Don’t forget you have only 24 hours.

Start Social Media Agency

9 days until Christmas gift- Using Online Videos for Business

Here is another gift for you and for your business.

By now you may be asking why are we doing this, giving products for nothing.


The answer is simple: We want you to really see what is inside our programs and products, to see how in depth we go into each subject and how easy it is to implement these solutions in your business.

We are aware that is the last few months all sorts of experts have appeared in the market. Most of them lack experience or deep knowledge but they all look successful in those cute pictures on Facebook don’t they? All so friendly and available. With lots of time on their hands.

So how do you know who can really show you better ways to get more business and more clients?


I can bash them, I can write many paragraphs about our experience in different industries but there is nothing better that experiencing yourself by going through our programs.


This is your only chance because we don’t have a habit of slashing prices very often. We really want you to know the programs from the inside and once and for all see who you can trust. If you find someone out there that can provide more to the point, useful steps to market your business, please, go buy from them.

We are committed to show entrepreneurs how to reach long lasting prosperity, not make money overnight, and to show you how to get attention from a market, not only get some useless visibility.


Today our gift is access to our most popular program:   How to use online videos for business


Online videos are one of the best marketing tools you can use today. Easy and cheap, extremely effective.

YouTube hits 4 billion views daily. 4 billion chances to show your services to people you have no other way of reaching. YouTube is an open social network- everyone can see your videos. Think about that.

In this program we cover all things online videos and make it so easy my cat Banana could do it.


Normally the online video program sells for $395. Today only you can get for $97


Reserve your spot here: Online videos for businesses programvideothumb