Happens tonight, BuzzBoosters and Armand Morin talking about continuity programs and membership sites.
This is a free training and you can register at:
Utah’s biggest Entrepreneur Competition
Have you heard about Utah’s largest entrepreneur competition?
The Grow America Springboard™ Competition rewards passionate entrepreneurs with the money and services they need to grow their businesses. It’s all about creating jobs and lifting local economies. That’s why winners walk away with no-strings-attached cash awards. Enter. Win. Grow.
Remember, this is your last chance to qualify for the Grow America Springboard Championship! It will pay a total of $500,000 in cash and awards to winning entrepreneurs. It is scheduled to take place in early 2013.
Registration ends in 5 days, so hurry!
Entrepreneurs and the fur business
Here is an interview we did with Johnna from Intercal, a company that sells fur for teddy bears and furry friends.
She shows us her selection as well as her business in a very niche market.
She’s been in this business for a long time and is very successful.
New SEO changes
Here is another episode of BuzzBooster TV.
This week we discuss Penguin and changes in SEO and what you need to do to rank well with your website and the best in small business marketing.
Are Retail Stores Putting Themselves Out of Business?
I like to shop local. I like the buy local movement but I’m about to just give up on this idea.
I strongly suggest these types of organizations to focus not only on motivating people to buy local but also in training a bit business owners and staff before they put themselves out of business. There is a huge tragedy waiting to happen.
It is easy to look outside to blame poor results. Blame the economy, online shopping, etc. but it is not so easy to look inside and see what is keeping clients from coming back.
I could give you a very long list of examples of what is going on out there with retail but I’ll refrain from that and I’ll give you just the latest example.
I needed to buy Lego blocks. Yes, like in toys. I use them to make mold boxes. Lego blocks are as popular as Barbies so you would assume any toy store would have them. I went to a Toys R Us store.(I know, not exactly a local store but people working there are local, plus it brings tax revenue to the city).
They had a Lego isle there. Beautiful logo and everything, but I could only see boxes of themed Legos and not just the Lego blocks. Since I usually do avoid human interaction, I looked over and over again and had Nash helping me. No luck. So we went all the way to the front of the store to try to find someone to help me.
Found a guy and asked. He replied: “Oh yes, we carry that. There is a pink and a blue bucket just with Lego blocks. It is not in the Lego isle but in a nearby one in the back. You can look there”.
So we went back. Looked in all the isles you could think was “close” to the Lego one and no luck.
So we looked for the guy again and didn’t find him and then we looked for someone else. This was supposed to be a very fast in-and-out purchase because we had to travel. So far it had been more than 20 minutes just trying to find the product to buy.
Found someone, asked the same question and got an answer: “I don’t know where it would be, they changed things around here and I was out for 2 months, you can get that online.”
Now I was already a little grumpy and said: “I know I can, but then what would be the need for this store or for your job if I did?”
He kept quiet.
I had something else in my cart so I went to pay. Cashier asked the expected question: “Did you find everything ok?”
We both replied: “no”
Pause, pause, pause, pause, finally the question “what were you looking for?”
I thought, here we go again!
Told her and got the answer: “You can order online”.
For heaven’s sake I know that, I buy online, in fact, I’m an Amazon Prime member, I could have a giant bag of Legos in 24 hrs, in fact I could have stayed home with central air, instead of coming out when it is 98 degrees outside, I could have saved time and use it in better things, I could have saved gas, money in local taxes and my good mood, but I chose to come here to spend the money here, and all I get is a stupid suggestion.
I didn’t give her this long answer, just the same I gave the other guy. What can I say, I’m nice.
Now, let’s just think how this could have been different:
First guy, do some exercise and take me to where you think the boxes are. You are not part of the store’s decor. I’m not an interruption in your day, I’m someone willing to spend money where you work so you can keep your job. You don’t even have to go an extra mile, just some steps.
Second guy, I don’t care that you were on vacation and they moved the toys. You need to know or need to be able and willing to find about the things you don’t know about and do it fast. You deserve to be fired.
Cashier. Be proactive, show that you care at least a little bit and make useful suggestions.
Store manager and in many, many cases, store owner: You should be fired too. The least you could do is train your staff to help sales. First blame yourself, then blame things you have no control over like the economy. Check where you have weak points and fix them.
How simple would it be to instead of telling me to get out of there and go buy online (which does not mean I’m going to your store site to do that anyway,) for the employee to say something like: “I can get it for you and it will be here tomorrow, or I can check with the other stores and have it delivered here in no time, or I can see if we have the product online, I can order for you right now, so you know you get it and you can pick it up tomorrow or for a very small fee it can be shipped to your home”.
They said nothing even close to that. So, so sad!
By the way, knowing when and what to say to your customers is marketing too. Guess what? It costs less time and money than you using social media without any strategy and it is social too.
I just don’t get it! Why send someone with their hands in their wallet willing to give you money right now someplace else?
Since I’m at this, I want to make two more points. Tell your staff that when they are making a sale, if the phone rings, the phone waits and not the opposite. Same reason as above.
Second, how stupid it is to put a sign at the door saying Visit us on Facebook.
Don’t you think people ask inside their minds: Why? Why should I visit you on Facebook?
Much better, the cashier could say at the end of a transaction: Don’t forget to like us on Facebook. We have exclusive deals and coupons there, so next time you will save a bunch.
Simple training could avoid a tragedy. This is what we call incorporating business rituals. You get better outcomes and have more control over sales processes.
By the way, did I tell you about the business owner that after we worked on these rituals came back and told us his employees didn’t want to do what they were told and there was nothing he could do?
I’ll tell you later but guess what? We fired him.
End of story? I found that Lego costs a lot less on Amazon.
In person interactions are the best marketing tool
Small businesses are far more likely to single out in-person interactions as their most effective marketing activity than any other tool available to them, according to [pdf] an August 2012 report by Constant Contact. Of the items they find effective, 46% of small businesses ranked in-person interactions as their most effective marketing activity, with B2B companies more likely than B2C companies to have this attitude (59% vs. 40%).
To put this into perspective, B2B small businesses were roughly three times more likely to say that in-person interactions were their most effective marketing activity as to say the same about second-place websites (59% vs. 20%).
In the Constant Contact survey, small business respondents (B2B and B2C) were more likely to say that in-person interactions were their most effective activity than to say the same about email marketing (20%), traditional advertising (17%), online advertising (17%), events (11%), and social media marketing (11%).
Have we gone crazy?
You will think we have gone crazy when you finish reading this e-mail.
In my country they call August the month of the mad dog, because weird things are believed to happen during this month. I’ll prove this to be true.
Well, August is the month Nashlah and I were born. In fact I was born on a Friday 13th just like Hitchcock who happens to be my favorite director.
So we decided to do some crazy promotions during this month. But we have a second intention behind this too.
As some of you know, a couple of weeks ago our offices were broken into and the thief took some computers. In fact, we have security footage with the individual leaving the office with our laptops and drinking a soda. We are always glad to provide refreshments!
Now we have to replace the computers. Therefore we are going to make a super duper deal for you. We just want to leave this set back behind us.
There is no hype, the offer is real and it lasts only 48 hours.
We start today with one of our best sellers:
Our program on how to start a social media agency.
People invest in this program:
as a way to start a new business having their own agency,
to become high paid social media managers,
to add some done-for-you services to their coaching programs or
even businesses that want to run their own social media in house.
Or entrepreneurs that want to do their own social media marketing effectively.
It comes with all the structure, plans, templates, how-tos etc. Including the business side, how to sell and the how to use social media tools for business. (very different than wasting time on Facebook thinking you are marketing).
You will have immediate access to the program.
We sell it all the time for $1,997.00. You can check on the page here:
During the next 48hrs you will be able to get it for only $297.
Even if you are a competitor and want to know how we run a 6 figure boutique agency, it is worth the deal to do the benchmarking.
People love this program and we run the program, in fact, in 3 different countries.
You might be asking why we are taking $1,700.00 off such a stellar program.
I told you the reason above and for us to put a teleseminar or send direct mail in order to sell for the normal fee we need time. With so many trips around the corner, time is something we don’t have at the moment.
I can assure you, this opportunity will not knock again in the future. 48 hours and it is gone. Only $297 for this program.
Go to: http://www.icanstartmybusiness.com/now/
At check out type coupon code august1 and hit apply.
You will receive immediate access.
so, are we crazy or not?
The business of bjd doll making
In our show Spill the Beans for this week we interviewed Sarah Seiter where she talks about making bjds and her business as a doll maker.
BuzzBooster behind the scenes
The last few weeks have been, to say the least, very interesting.
We had our offices broken into and a big mess to clean up. Happened during the weekend and we spent 2 days putting things in place.
Two of our main sites were hacked and we spent a lot of time fixing that too. Sorry hackers but I’m sending you bad thoughts!
One thing after the other happened but I guess since both of us have birthdays in August I can say it is probably our astrological hell.
Since you can’t fight this, we decided to take a break in LA.
We spent a week there with friends and had the chance to go and walk on the beach. Energy is renewed.
Now, let’s go full force.
Here is a picture of us and James Malinchak at his event this weekend.

Online video drives business