How To Advertise Your Online Business

Learning the best ways how to advertise your business can be a real chore to say the least. There is
certainly no shortage of companies trying to convince you that you need to subscribe to their marketing
or advertising approach to gain clients. So, the real question is, “What’s the best form of advertising for
your business?” Well, research indicates that online advertising is not only far more cost-effective than
traditional off-line forms of advertising, but online advertising is also fairly easy to set up.

First of all, let me say, that there are really two forms of online advertising; there’s the paid method
known as pay-per-click advertising, and the “free” method known as SEO or search engine optimization.
For the purposes of this post, we’ll be talking about the paid method because it’s the easiest and
quickest way to implement a successful online advertising campaign.

For our purposes, I’m only going to refer to the Google search engine since Google dominates the
internet world. Google’s form of pay-per-click advertising is called Google Adwords. It’s referred to as
pay-per-click advertising because while your ads can appear for any number of targeted search terms,
you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad. Starting a Google Adwords campaign only
costs $5 to start and your ads can be up in a matter of minutes. Do a Google search for “$75 Adwords
voucher”, and if you’re a new advertiser to Adwords, Google will pay for the first $75 of your ad spend.

There are several components to Adwords that makes it the best way how to advertise your business
online. First of all, you have complete control over what you spend. Adwords allows you to set a daily
budget, so if you only want to spend, say, $300 per month, then you would set your daily budget at $10.
Once you spend $10 for the day, Google will pause your ads and turn them back on the following day.

Another thing I love about Adwords is the ability for what’s known as geo-targeting. Geo-targeting
allows you ads to only be visible to people in a certain geographic area or areas. If you only want to
attract clients in Houston, Texas and Baltimore, Maryland, you can do that.

Furthermore, you have the ability to select as many keywords as you want to trigger your ads allowing
you to reach the maximum amount of targeted leads to your site. Finally, what I love most about
Adwords is the ability to see what’s working and not working. By viewing the historical data in your
account, you can see how many people viewed your ads and how many of those viewers clicked on your
ads. This allows you to make necessary changes to better optimize your account for maximum ROI.

Guest post by:  Brandon Jones
Senior Marketing Advisor
My Marketing Team

Happy Holidays!

All we can say is that during this time that we take to reflect about the year that just passed, we are extremely grateful for those that helped us shape our business. By supporting us, doing business with us, following and commenting on social media environments, watching our show, all of you played a role in our business and we are really grateful for having you here!

We hope the New Year will bring you a lot of joy and dreams to fruition.

From all of us here at BuzzBooster, Happy Holidays and an incredible New Year!

Shahar Boyayan, Nashlah Boyayan, Veronica Andrade, Mary Lingao, Jonathan Jacinto, Susan Senoro,  Iris Isaguirre, Phoebe Joy Corbin, Subham Shaw, Sebastian Codrut, Leah Obillo, Sarah Kean-Price

and of course Apple and Banana

How to make your business outrageously irresistible to buyers

We talk quite a bit on how to make your small business irresistible to your market. You can even listen to a full hours where we go step by step on our Magnetic Influence system. Just sign-up in the box at the side of this post.

This time however we decided to put into an infographic so you can memorize, post on your wall and share with your friends.

Here is the key to How to make your business outrageously irresistible to buyers

Magnetic Influence System
Magnetic Influence System

How to get more video views- Social media marketing

New episode of BuzzBooster Tv

Interview with Todd Cochrane from Blubrry on the future of web shows, Julie Perry from YouTube secret weapon talks about online videos and YouTube, we take a look at the software Wirecaster and hosts Shahar and Nashlah talk about a negotiation process and how to incorporate rituals in sales negotiation. This week is all about video marketing one of the best social media tools for you to use.

Watch BuzzBooster TV here

Internet Marketing: Membership ideas for businesses

I’m yet to see a business that cannot have some kind of continuity program.

This week I found this article in Springwise on some fellow brazilians selling bread in a continuity program.

You can see that there are membership ideas everywhere:

Los Paderos is a Brazilian site that sends subscribers three loaves of fresh-made artisan bread each week.

Scarcely a week goes by without us discovering some fresh new application of the subscription model, and this week is no exception. The innovation this time? Los Paderos, a Brazilian site that sends subscribers three loaves of fresh-made artisan bread each week.

Los Paderos’ breads are made in a wide range of varieties, without preservatives and using natural fermentation processes. Rather than baking them all the way, however, Los Paderos sells its breads semi-finished and cooled. Customers can then store them in the fridge for up to two weeks; when they’re ready to use the bread, they simply finish baking it and enjoy it piping hot from their own oven. Subscribers get three loaves of their choice each week for a monthly price of BRL 60.

Is there any limit on the convenience and appeal of recurring home deliveries for frequently used products? We don’t think so either, and the added element of semi-baking for completion at home only adds to the appeal. How could a subscription model deliver some fresh stability and repeat business to your innovative brand?


Google Plus Business Page

You can now have your business page on Google Plus.

Check our BuzzBooster Marketing page to see an example and don’t forget to add us to your circles.

Since content from your Google Plus page can be indexed by Google you need to have one.

Since you can have groups/circles based on topics of interest you should have one.

Since you can use the feature Hangout to have meeting with prospects, clients and showcase products, you should be using Google +

Don’t forget to populate your page with good content as you should do in any social media environment.

Don’t forget to add a Google + button on your site and to promote in other social environments.

Google understands business and I believe many more features will show up in the near future that will allow us to market our businesses better.

Video Marketing: Some facts about YouTube

Here a few more facts on YouTube just to prove how powerful it can be for you to add videos to your small business marketing strategy.

  • Don’t forget that YouTube is a social network too.
  • videos with thumbnails generate 19% more views
  • video is an engagement object
  • YouTube has grown 250% year after year.
  • Growth of 300% tweets a year coming from YouTube
  • Each tweet results in 6 new viewers
  • Video moves business
  • if the video comes from someone you trust, you are more likely to watch until the end.

Let’s upload some videos and get more views on YouTube folks!

Blog World and New Media Expo #bwela

Blog World expo is still one of my favorite events. We just finished 3 days of sessions, parties and network and are now waiting for Streaming Media tomorrow.

The best thing about Blog World is by far networking. It is a unique chance to deepen relationships and talk to some amazing bloggers and podcasters.

On the trade show, we had a chance to talk more with Blubrry and what can be done to get more exposure to Web TV shows.  They offer a great option for show hosts. Their Wordpmass plugin helps a lot podcasters.

I was really excited about a WordPress plugin that helps you with SEO while you are writing the posts. ThinkLink is another cool plug-in.

We did quite a few interviews on the trade show that we’ll share with you later at the BuzzBooster Show

I did attend some great sessions related to business in social media, Jason Falls did a cool presentation, there was a panel on getting sponsors for podcasts that was really informative. Sessions on YouTube were also great but the best was the YouTubers meetup. I felt cool just being there. Interview with Julie Perry will follow on our show. The kimono session was by far my favorite with Jay Baer. Very informative, good content and interactive.  The keynote from Ford was actually very interesting showing how a big company is using social media.

I’m not sure if the titles for the session were good. They were clever but didn’t say much about the content. I know that last year I got home from BlogWorld and bought the virtual ticket so I could see the sessions we missed. This year I didn’t because I’m not sure if I missed something important.

Titles are headlines that need to make people take action. I would also specify if sessions were basic or advanced. Heard a lot of people saying they didn’t know which sessions were for them.

I’m really not a fan of panels at BlogWorld. They tend to be a mix of jokes and not a lot of content. The exception was the one about getting sponsors for podcasts that was very good.

The parties were all fun, at least the ones we attended.

BlogWorld is a unique event with a very diverse crowd which contributes to the conversation and experience.