Very hot marketing

Do you offer beverages to your prospects and clients? In our offices we have what we call the Star Buzz where people can serve themselves of different beverages.

We have cold and hot beverages. Maybe we’ll change the options.

John Bargh of Yale found that the temperature of a beverage makes a difference in how one person judges another. The brain imaging studies show that hot and cold stimuli light up an area of the brain related to trust and cooperation.

The warm beverages affect our perception of other people and our own behavior as well.

According to Bargh, “Physical warmth can make us see others as warmer people, but also cause us to be warmer, more generous and trusting as well”.

Coffee cup

Smiles bring more sales

smilePeople talk a lot about how the market is not the same as before. Do they question that part of the reason is that when we leave our homes to shop we expect to have a nice experience? and that grumpy people is not part of what we think is a nice experience?

Don’t forget to tell your team members to smile. Smile sells.

Smiles can affect customer consumption and willingness to spend. Plus it is just nice.

Influence through the ear

Want to get someone to do something for you? Talk to the right ear. A study shows that we have a preference for processing spoken information via our right ear and that requests made to that ear are more likely to be successful.

Also remember that the eyes like what is new and the ear likes what it knows. This means that when thinking about innovating, use visual aids instead of audio ones.

In an office for example, show prototypes displayed around the place and leave the music from the same era as your audience.

Ear and marketing

Touch is part of marketing

A study showed that a light touch on a person’s shoulder made that person more willing to choose a riskier option when deciding between a riskier option when deciding between a sum of money or taking a chance on either getting a larger sum or not.

This has only worked with female touchers and worked for both male and female subjects.

We don’t tend to think about touch as part of marketing but it can be used too. After all, from all our senses touch is the only one that is received by any part of the body. It is extremely important to us.


Familiarity Breeds Likeability

Familiarity breeds likeability and that happens in milliseconds.

Familiar things makes feel better.

Therefore you need to keep your brand visible even when you think they are not paying attention. Like writing on your blog every week ;0)

Exposure is important and can cause a positive association later.

If you control an environment, keep your brand visible.

Find clever ways to be visible like Samsung that added charging stations in airports.



Consistency brings familiarity

Consistency brings familiarity.

So you need to be consistent with your story and tell it often, consistent in the places you market, how often you market and how you market.

Constant repetition breeds familiarity.

Tell and tell once more then once again


How to market to 5 senses

Here are a few ways you can market to 5 senses in your business:


  • Sight: Logo, uniforms, fabric of uniforms, product design, decor in your office, colors and typeface
  • Sound: product sounds, music in your office. Remember: the eyes like what is new, the ears what is known.
  • Taste: product taste, gifts, we offer chocolate to our prospects before talking about price. It lowers mental barriers
  • Smell: Environmental aroma, product aroma. Diffusers in the room, perfume you and your employees use
  • Touch: Product surface, marketing materials, environment surfaces, fabric of uniforms.

All these can also be brought up in copy.


Marketing with scents

The nose is the shortest pathway to the brain.

Smells go right into the limbic system.

Remember that buying decisions are made on an unconscious level first.

You can use aromas to influence purchases and to brand your company. Singapore airlines for example uses a specific arom as perfume in all flight attendants, in their hot towels and in other elements in their service.

Again think how you can market to all five senses but don’t forget the nose.


Market to all five senses

You can use all five senses to sell more. It doesn’t matter if you sell products or services.

You will appeal to the emotions and stored memories of your customers. Remember: people buy with the mind and justify with the brain.

A good example of how this can be done using only copy is any box of Vosges chocolate. Vosges invites the consumer to feel the chocolate in their fingers, hear the snap, let it melt in the mouth etc.

They educate the consumer on how to consumer their product and appeal to all senses while creating imagery. Just brilliant.

By using the 5 senses in your business you can turn it into a powerhouse.


Too many choices

Too many choices confuse the mind of the consumer and a confused mind does not buy.

Keep it simple.

you will have to test what is the optimal number of offers to your prospect but usually less is more.

Online we try not to offer more than 2 options for a product.

Choices tend to be less daunting when the items are quite different and they offer the consumer a meaningful variation.
