Success is not a one time meal, it is an ongoing feast- The process for success and the unstoppable you

The coaching and consulting business can be really fun, really exciting and really frustrating.
When clients follow the advice and take action, they see results and everyone grows. That is when it is fun and exciting.
But, there are those that follow some advice, see some results, get a taste of what success is and go back to what they were doing before. That is when it is frustrating.

Unfortunately that is the nature of the business, some people will move forward and some won’t.

Even though I understand this dynamic, I still get frustrated when I see a business full of potential not go anywhere. Usually this type of entrepreneurs goes after every new magic tool, every new social media tool and jumps from coach to coach.

I work a lot but every night I take some time to watch documentaries and some TV shows. I love Shark Tank and Kitchen Nightmares. I usually watch Kitchen Nightmares with my daughter because we love to bitch about those restaurant owners that don’t do what they are told, go into business without knowing anything about the restaurant business and are so ego centric. That is fun for us. After each episode we check on our tablets if they are still open or not. We watched the whole UK series and several of the US ones so far. This amounts to about 45 episodes. From this group less than 5 restaurants are still open. Think about that, it is less than 10%. You can blame Chef Ramsey but that is the same percentage you get for super performers in a sales force and the same for most consultants.

Something is clearly wrong. You can blame the coach or consultant, you can blame, in our case, marketing or social media but if you go and watch those episodes you will notice that fear, lack of vision and bad habits are really the culprit.

This made us re-think our own approach. We traditionally focus on very strong positioning, message and then marketing but as I mentioned above, even if you do some things right, experiment success it does not mean you will keep on the right track and keep being successful.

business feastIn order for you to become an unstoppable entrepreneur there are a few more things you need to work on and these is the process we have incorporated:

1. You need to develop a kaleidoscope vision.
On a daily basis, we see things in pieces, we have to-do lists, we forget to think big (or we don’t even know what that is)and very seldom we acknowledge any limitations. We need to combine these elements in order to create the right picture of our future in business.

2. Find your broken windows. We talked about this concept before. You need to access and identify what is not working, habit patterns and how you can incorporate new business habits.

3. Who is really in charge? When you put things together you find out that you really live with 2 different personalities. Crazy huh? But true. There is the you that is rational, wants to succeed, knows there is more out there for you and this other person who just leaves in fear and disbelief. You need to take a specific set of actions and decide who is in charge.

4. Show your real side. Here is where you craft the story you tell your audience and create points of similarity. Here is where you develop you full potential and then,

5. You just worry to always increase the level of trust with your audience- clients.

Remember that for this process, you do need a pair of fresh eyes that are not emotionally involved with you or your business. Being real is crucial.

Once you get this right, then you can worry about positioning, marketing, prospecting etc.because here you will get what you deserve and will keep getting. Success is not a one time meal, it is an ongoing feast.

When do you use QR codes?

When presented with an image of a QR code, 94% of smartphone shoppers surveyed by Perception Research Services International (PRS) reported having seen one, while 44% claimed to have used one. Among those shoppers who reported having used QR codes, the predominant uses were for general product information (69%) and promotions (65%), with price (57%) also a motivator. Respondents, who were required to be responsible for at least half of their household’s grocery shopping, were generally less likely to use QR codes to obtain product reviews (42%), loyalty rewards (40%), or to find a store’s location (29%).

The study also finds that men are more likely than women to be both familiar with, and users of, QR codes, a result that aligns with research from Scanbuy showing that QR code users skew male.

Overall, unaided awareness of QR codes among PRS survey respondents stood at 57% (men: 75% / women: 52%).

Qr codes have many more uses, you can read more on older posts of this blog. Use creativity to market with qr codes.

Marketing to boomers- Tablet users

Smartphone penetration is high among younger consumers and drops significantly among their older counterparts, but that pattern is less pronounced when it comes to tablet adoption, at least in a selection of developed markets. That’s according to survey results [download page] from Deloitte released in December 2012. The study, which looked at smart device ownership across 8 developed markets, found 18-24-year-olds to be almost three times as likely as the 55+ group to own a smartphone (58% vs. 21%), but less than twice as likely to own a tablet (19% vs. 11%).

The Deloitte report, “The state of the global mobile consumer,” suggests that the success of tablets in developed markets is in part a result of their adoption by age groups not traditionally seen as early adopters – such as older consumers.

Connected TVs Reach One in Four Homes

Usage of connected TVs in US households was up by more than 25% last year, eMarketer estimates, and will continue to be taken up by Americans at double-digit rates through at least 2016.

By the end of this year, eMarketer expects 35.1 million US households will have at least one television connected to the internet, and at least one person in the household using the internet through that TV set on a monthly basis. eMarketer’s definition of connected TV includes any television connected to the internet, whether it’s an internet-enabled smart TV or connected via a set-top box or game console. Using connected TV includes, but is not limited to, watching video streamed over the internet.

That means nearly a quarter of all US households currently have and use connected TV, and by the end of 2013 that percentage will approach three in 10. In terms of individual users, penetration is somewhat lower: 17.4% of consumers used connected TV at least monthly as of the end of 2012, and 22.7% will do so by the end of this year.

The proportion of those with smart TVs—television sets with a built-in internet connection—is significantly lower, but growth prospects are good. eMarketer expects the number of households that have and use smart TVs to reach 40.2 million by 2016, up from 15.2 million last year.

Again, individual penetration rates are lower, at 9.8% of the population as of the end of 2012.

eMarketer forms its estimates of connected and smart TV usage based on the analysis of survey and traffic data from research firms and regulatory agencies, sales projections, historical trends, company-specific data, and demographic and socioeconomic factors.

We’ve been telling people here at BuzzBoosters that this is a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs to market their businesses without a lot of competition and to a very qualified audience.

You can check our webinar where we go in dept into the topic of marketing using set-u-boxesClick here: GoFar,GoFast,GoBig


Christmas is over but Santa has a big problem

Even Santa has to re-think his business.

Now that the holidays are over… you ate, you rested and spent time with loved ones, it is time to go back to business.

Let’s take a minute and think about Santa for a second, since Christmas is still fresh on our minds.

Santa has been in business for a long time and since I hear no complaints from children, we can assume he has a healthy business.

Now, Santa has a seasonal business so he must be careful and work very hard during a specific time of the year.

When it comes to manufacturing his toys he faces brutal competition coming from China. He cannot pay his elves such low wages. This type of unfair competition makes his work even harder.

How many reindeer does he have? 7? Have you checked the price of hay lately? It is through the roof and he has a very big route to cover.

When it comes to memorabilia and places to meet Santa to deliver the list, well, we can get most of it online at very cheap prices and send the list by e-mail or just get an app for that. It is almost as if we could replace Santa.

It is not a pretty scenario is it?

I’m sure Santa will be able to thrive and survive despite the challenges. What about your business?

All of us, including Santa have seen drastic changes in the market, in consumer behavior and in the perception of value people have of our businesses.

There is either a lot more competition out there or more technology to replace what we do. Every day we need to make a lot more effort to get people’s attention.

Not a pretty picture.

There is a huge need for you to not only use the beginning of this year to plan and craft a well crafted market plan for your business but also to think about fine tuning your positioning or in some cases even re-invent yourself.

We all need some fine tuning in our position if we want to be in business for the next five years.

Yes, it is going to involve some changes (oops, I just wrote a word marketers don’t use, because people don’t like it), some work, (oops, another one) and some money. (ai, ai, ai)

The truth is, with changes in the economy and consumer behavior, you have to stop fooling yourself that there is some magic or software out there to fix things. Take charge of your life and business. You and only you can change the outcome for better.

You need to take action and do what is necessary or you will see your business vanish from this planet.

Have in mind that I do wish you the best year ever, but it is not going to be great if you don’t do what you have to do.

ornaments8x10Position your mind and your business for success in 2013.

I advise you to take a look at our program: Magnetic Influence: Become Irresistible to Your Market.

It is a multi-media program that you can take on your own time. It covers the 7 Steps of Becoming Irresistible to Your Market. We go in-depth with several action steps.

No fluff here, just real, simple strategies for you to attract more clients and keep them buying from you.

It shows you how to position your business for this time/era, this new consumer, this new reality we live in.

You can do it. Just go to: to get lifetime access.

We have used this system for 3 years now with our clients. It has been tested in several industries and three different countries. It works if you implement.

Don’t wait:

12 days before Christmas

Can you believe we are only 12 days from Christmas?

Usually this time of the year is very low key for us. We don’t have family here, it is just the two of us so besides going out with some clients and friends, we don’t pay too much attention to the period.

But I know it is a whole different picture with other folks and how special this time can be and how fun too.

One of the traditions we learned here is the one where you send a gift every day for 12 days before Christmas. I think that is really cool and I feel the spirit of giving.

I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and got to the conclusion that I have a big family here. Everyone that are subscribers, clients, followers are part of our family.

So we want to be part of this tradition and for the next 12 days we will send you a gift.

They will be totally fr@@ or almost fr@@.


Today we want to give you access to our super duper program on Google plus for business. Maybe you are not using Google Plus but you need to be aware how this is impacting how your sit shows on the search engine.

It is a fast program with the info you need to take action and get more traction in your marketing.

No cost to you and an eye opener.


Click here:



Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Happy 12/12/12

Hope you have a happy 12/12/12

It is really a fun date and you will not see another like this in this century, so don’t forget to enjoy this day.

I saw on Facebook some people saying that today the energy of the planets shift. Don’t know if this is true or not but in case it does let’s hope it shifts to a better, more positive energy. There is never enough of that in our world.

On TV I saw this morning (can you tell I’m on a break?) a boy that was born 12:12 on 12/12.
Isn’t that cool? And a girl that has her 12th birthday today. Super cool.

They will never forget this date.

That kept me thinking what can we do to make this day memorable? Earlier in the day Nash and I went geocaching to unlock the badge 12/12/12. Mission accomplished. But there is still something missing.

So I decided to take one of our most popular training program- Turning knowledge into products- where you learn all things info-marketing and product creation from $97 – to $12.12

Stay with me. When you buy the program, besides becoming an expert on info-marketing and product creation coming from people like us that have been doing that successfully for many years, you will get the receipt of the investment and it will say: $12.12 on 12/12/12.
How cool is that?
Here is the link to the info-products program

Now, if you make an extra effort and get the program at 12:12 pm then it will say $12.12 on 12/12/12 at 12:12.
That will be super duper.
Of course I would get this receipt and frame it. How many people will have something like that?

I know, that is what I do, I solve problems, create new channels of revenue for people and make you a superstar amongst family and friends.
Unless you become one of our mentees. Then we show you how to become a superstar for millions of people. But that is a subject for another e-mail Hint, hint, you got an e-mail that has an offer that ends with the end of the world in 2 weeks.

Anyway, go to:
and get this amazing multi-media online program with life time access so you don’t miss things when there is an update for only $12.12. Only today.