The world will end in 2 weeks

It looks like the world is coming to an end in two weeks.
Someone told me that the Mayan calendar is always right. It is going to end.

So this is it. Not much time left to go through your bucket list. Take care of the things that are important to you.
Like your business.

I don’t believe the world will end in two weeks, but just in case I’m doing some pretty crazy things. Gotta have fun in the process right?

There is a saying in Portuguese that says: I don’t believe in witches but they do exist.

So you play according to all possible outcomes.

During the next two weeks I’ll go to the movies more often, I did enough traveling this year so now I’m trying to re-connect with local friends, will go out eat crab, which I love, at least 2 more times before the end of the world. Thinking about some dance classes too.

I guess there isn’t enough time to find Mr Right, so I’ll go buy a romance and read. I can’t remember the last time I read a book not related to business. No, not Fifty shades of Gray. I want something sweet and maybe with a prince.

I’m also going to do something really crazy. I’m putting my consulting rates the same they were two years ago. Maybe this will stop time and keep the world as it is.

Until December 21st, contact me for a marketing check-up and if we both decide we are a good match to work together, you’ll have the same rates from 2 years ago. Just as an idea, it is half of what it is now.

But you need to get in touch before the world ends on Dec 21st.
Call me at 801-842-9765

In case the world doesn’t end, you need to make sure 2013 will be the best year for your business. Together we can make that happen.

But you need to get in touch before the world ends on Dec 21st.
Call me at 801-842-9765

Thank you!

We’d like to take a moment and thank you for being here.

When we look back at the last 8 years we have a lot to be thankful for. We came a long way from the time when we got here with only two bags and a teddy bear! A time when we used to look at the sky and think that even the stars were different and we were so unsure of our future.

That future turned out to be quite an amazing journey for us.

I remember one night about a month after we arrived that I woke up screaming with fear of what was ahead. It took six months for us to get our first client. A $50 dollar sale.

During that period we became experts in counting coins to see if there was enough money to buy stuff we needed or put gas in the car.

But as time went by we made connections with people that showed us how to move forward and slowly we started to move other people forward too. Nothing would have happened without the people around us.

Not only close friends and clients, but people meeting us at networking meetings and talking to others, people giving referrals, people reading our blog, listening to our audios, watching our videos and opening our e-mails.

Every single one, every social network connection, friends, fans, followers and so many people that we even never met face-to-face have played a key role in our journey and in our business.

Every time someone shared a video, forwarded an e-mail we sent, etc. has helped us along the way.

Be certain of one thing: we sure value you A LOT and we’re really thankful for you being here.

I know your biggest fear

One of the greatest pain entrepreneurs have is the fact that they need to make lots of decisions.
They might not complain about it, but they do suffer because every single decision comes with a 50% chance of being the wrong decision. Making the wrong decision is one of their biggest fear.

In times like we live today, every single bad decision can lead to a catastrophe. That is not the fun part.

There is always a lot at stake, not only the business but all the people involved in your business as well.

The more dedicated you are in your business the harder it is to see a clear path because you are emotionally involved and add to that the fact that in business we also have a blind spot.

Doing it alone is not for the faint of heart. But the fact is that there is no need to do it alone or to take guesses. You can always opt to have a pair of fresh eyes around and be able to brainstorm new possibilities.

There is a quote that says “entrepreneurs are the loneliest people on Earth”. That is usually true but it doesn’t need to be your truth.

You can have an advisor to show you options, who works as a pair of fresh eyes in your business.

A business advisor can show you different paths, brainstorm options and share experiences. An advisor gives you options and you make the final decision.

Every entrepreneur needs someone to bounce ideas and worries.

It is important to find an advisor that is up to date on cutting edge strategies for businesses and understands consumer behavior.

The market has changed so much in the last few years as well as consumer behavior that you need to make sure they know how to navigate in these new waters.

At BuzzBooster, as marketing advisors we specialize in small businesses. We understand their specific needs, behavior, budgets and wants. We have over 7 years of day to day experience dealing with all kinds of challenges in different industries and a great understanding of innovative strategies.

We can make your business so attractive that is becomes a client magnet.

We work with a very small pool of clients every year so we can focus on their businesses.
Right now we have a few slots available and would like to invite you to join us in creating the best New Year for your business.

Call us for a initial meeting where we’ll get to know each other and brainstorm some possibilities.

This is the first time in 2 years where we’ll accept new clients to work 1 on 1, so don’t miss this opportunity. 801-842-9765

Mistakes in Business Choreography

Having the right business choreography is crucial in today’s age. There are times however that we make wrong decisions and that can impact our business for many years. Just like the one in the comic book’s industry.
On this episode of BuzzBooster TV we’ll talk about this, about a new social media tool called Tout. Some say it is better than Twitter and our stay with the president.

Our stay with the president

    A week ago we went to Vegas to meet with a mastermind group.

The moment we left the airport in a cab and told the driver the hotel we were going he said: “Girls, you are going to be searched and searched”

He went to explain that the president was at the same hotel preparing for his debate.

Before we got to the hotel, about half a block, the cab was stopped, we left the car and the dogs and security service came to search the car. When we got to the hotel right at the door, again searches on the bags and we through a metal detector. I wear Danskos shoes and it looks like they have some metal in them so I got special attention every single time I passed that door over the next 3 days.

The secret service was everywhere at the hotel including in every gate of the swimming pools.

We thought the whole thing was pretty interesting but we were not there on vacation, so it didn’t bother us.

In fact, no one else was at the hotel besides our small group and the president and his group.

What I took from this experience was a lot of admiration for the secret service. It was really interesting to see how they operate and how they don’t leave any detail to chance. Even after the president left, they were there for the whole day making sure everything was ok.

It made me think how we as business owners should have the same kind of attitude. Pay attention to details and not leave anything to chance.

It is so much more fun to create and get busy but the things we don’t pay attention to can become huge threats.

For us is taking care of numbers. Neither one of us is really a math head and because we don’t find it fun we make assumptions about numbers and profits and go with it. Many times we pay the price for this type of attitude.

So the first thing I did after I left Vegas was buy a calculator to carry with me. Now every idea, new program goes through the calculator first before it is implemented.

In your business, it can be something else.  Act like the secret service.

How to outsource

Outsourcing marketing efforts has become an essential aspect of business strategies. After all, you should focus on what you are good at and outsource the rest.

Outsourcing allows a company to put more focus on product development and overall operations. Many marketing agencies can often provide the same service as an in-house marketing department, but at half the cost.

By outsourcing you gain the following:

* Specialized skills and expertise
* More time- your most valuable asset
* More implementation
* Fast results

Every time you hear outsourcing marketing you think about how expensive marketing agencies are. Don’t forget that there are some Marketing companies that specialize in small businesses, just like BuzzBooster.  They are not in the business of selling you on expensive advertising, they focus on other strategies like internet marketing, direct response marketing and social media marketing to bring you more exposure and more results.

Here are a few  questions that should assist you in finding a marketing agency that is right for you.

* Area of Expertise. Find out what their expertise is in.  What do they focus on? Here are common areas of expertise:
o Search Engine Marketing and Optimization
o Branding
o Positioning
o Affiliate Marketing Development and Management
o Marketing Strategy and Plan Development
o Internet Marketing Strategy and Plan Development
o Lead Generation
o Sales and Marketing Campaign Development
o Marketing Classes, Seminars, and Workshops

Figure out what areas you need help in and look for consultants with expertise in those areas.

# Training/Education: What type of training and/or education is important to you. I will tell you that education is important, however experience and hands-on expertise can far out weigh education when it comes down to success in marketing.

Ask for case studies, referrals, and experience in the areas that you need assistance in.
# Company Achievements What are the notable achievements that the marketing consultant has achieved. What work are they most proud of?

Ask them to show you examples of campaigns they run for other clients.

Wrong Business Choreography

Business Choreography is how you conduct every touch point with customers and prospects. How you present products and services, how you distribute and how you sell them.

Today I want to show you how it can go wrong when you make a decision without looking at all the different angles.

We are going to see what happened with the comics industries.

Do you remember the last time you read a comic book? I used to be a big comic reader when I was a kid but it has been several years since I bought one.

They are not around anymore unless you go to a comic book store.

You may think that the reason you don’t see comic books anymore is due to technology. But this is not the main reason.

Some years ago publishers were not happy with the fact that they would have to refund returns from paper stands and decided to bring the concept of comic book stores. Sales would be final, products would all be related to comics and so, they thought this would be the perfect move.

They didn’t consider one thing. That the people that ran those stores where usually avid comic readers, male and as some people say smelling like male teenagers do or even worse, they would be the type of “know it all” that talk way too much. (I got one of these some months ago when I tried to by a professional photo camera. They are really annoying).

With these profiles, these stores attracted only men. The women would feel either intimidated or disgusted and they would not come back. Without the women coming, neither came the kids.

To this day, the comic book industry fights to stay alive. This was a big business choreography mistake.

Well, I thought, maybe this is just an over statement. Maybe there was no other choice. Here in Salt Lake for example, there are no paper stands, so it makes sense to have these types of stores. Yesterday I decided to visit one.
I went in and went around the store about 3 times in a total of 15 minutes. I touched books, games and a lot of toys, which I tend to collect.

There were only men inside and the place really had an odd smell. The only guy working there had some fellows around him and was telling jokes about how he made money with game cards. I went by passing in front of him 3 times.

He never even looked at me. I felt like super invisible woman. I did want to buy a comic book. I read about one called Supernatural Law and I wanted a copy. I also saw some paint to color toys which I do and those paints I was not familiar with, so I could use some help. I even stopped once in front of the guy like if wanted to ask a question.Forgot I was super invisible and the guy obviously couldn’t see me, so I left.
Went to spend my super money somewhere else.

Left feeling the place was weird and with no intentions of coming back.

Make more sales

Negotiation is important and happens in different formats. Face to face, over the phone, to a group and on a website.

You need to become a master negotiator to become really successful in business and have a lot of fun while you sell.

The negotiation process has 4 stages. Believe me this stages happen all the time no matter how you are selling- talking to people or the copy of a website.

1. Find the broken windows.- Find (or if you are writing- assume)the real problems going in the mind of your prospect. It might not be what they think it is.

2. Join the Tango. After you know the problems, you know there is drama involved and you join the tango or the conversation going in their minds. This will create a connection with your prospects.

3. Incorporate mystery and rituals. You need to leave some unanswered questions and show your structure. This keeps the mind hooked to you.

4. Extract the wow. Just like in  infomercials there needs to be a wow moment. Here you show the possibilities.

5. Tie the know. Here is where the deal gets done, you create a partnership with your prospect. If you do all of the above right, you don’t need to ask for the sale, but if the prospect doesn’t propose, it is up to you my dear to do so.

Want to go deeper into sales strategies?

All you need to do is check this sales strategies online program: