Implementation process for small businesses

A lot of people ask us how we manage so many websites and if we sleep at night. We do sleep at night, in fact we even try to sleep 8 hours every night or most of the nights.

Our process works more or less like this: We get a new idea that could work, sleep on that and the next day we do some research on the market possibilities. We then get together and discuss what needs to be done to implement that idea and set deadlines. Now, the project goes to a project management software were it is divided in tasks with deadlines and people involved are notified of their tasks. Usually we set very short deadlines. The project is launched and we start testing. 99% of the time there are glitches to be fixed. We are strong advocates that you don’t have to get it perfect, just have to get it going. The reason behind this is that it is more important to test the project with the market and see what the market wants and that if you try to perfect too much, you never implement anything. Ask Google and Microsoft if they don’t agree with me. If for some reason a project doesn’t do well, we phase it out fast. There is no problem in failing as long as you do it fast and move on. You always learn a lot in the process. The key point here is to implement, never wait. You will always be better than your competition if you are the one testing new ideas and implementing things. Once we prove that idea will convert well, we go deep, invest more time and perfect the project. Next year, try to implement more and worry less. Test everything, track everything, rinse and repeat. The results will blow your mind.

Who pops your popcorn #43 Be remarkable

Here is a snippet of an interview we gave to the Women’s information network about having a remarkable business in 2010

Is your business remarkable?

First, it doesn’t matter if you say yes or no, you need to be present on our simulcast this Thursday on how to be remarkable in 2010. Register right now for the Be remarkable seminar and then continue reading.

Now, back the the subject.

There really isn’t a lot of place in the market for businesses that don’t stand out, and I don’t mean that only in the sense of having exposure. Today you need to take care of every detail in order to succeed and be remarkable.

Have you ever been to Disneyland? I haven’t but I’m an avid student of how Disney markets. I know the place is really clean, every paper is picked up by any employee and they see this as part of marketing and it is. Every detail in the process counts.

One point where most businesses are less than remarkable, especially small businesses is during the sales process. There is no system for the sale itself, no upsells or downsells and many times there is not even a call for the sale itself. It is interesting how people many times feel guilty to ask for the sale, try to upsell is almost a sin. But we are in business for profit right? We also tend to judge our audience and decide for them if they can or cannot buy from us. If you don’t take anything from this article, take at least this: Don’t judge your audience! Let them figure how they are going to pay you and if they can or cannot afford your prices. Take another thing: Create a structure for your sales, think about upsells and downsells and create a follow-up process. It is really naive to think you only need to talk to a person once to make the sale and to think they are not willing to buy more things from you. More on this topic on our call Thursday. See you there!

Local search for small businesses

We are about 6 weeks away from Christmas which is usually a good time for businesses, especially retail.
On the other hand, everyday we hear complaints on how bad things are witht he economy and why sales are down. Many times, we go check these businesses online and they either have no presence online or they just don’t show in local searches. Come on! People search online, read reviews, research before they go out and buy. Much more, search engines are the new yellow pages. People use their phones to look for businesses all the time. Just the other day we were looking for a different restaurant to try and that was exactly what we did. Used the phone with GPS and found a cool Thai restaurant in the area we were. Being found is key for business.

How to sell more at the end of the year

Have you realized that there are only 60 days to the end of the year?
While you might be already thinking what to cook for Thanksgiving or about gifts for Christmas, you also need to think how you are going to use these precious 60 days to generate more revenue in your business.
After all, there is no better Christmas present than a profitable year.

Here are a few things you can do to generate more business in the next 60 days and to ensure you start a new year with a lot of business.

1. Set goals and expectations first. Like any marketing plan you need to see first what you want out of these efforts and how much. This will also help you create a marketing plan for the next 60 days and give you a glimpse of how useful a marketing plan for the whole year could be.
2. Get in touch with your top 20 clients in the next 30 days. Why not use Thanksgiving as the perfect reason to thank them for their business. People get a lot of cards for Christmas, but not on Thanksgiving. You can use this opportunity for a special offer. Be sure to connect with these customers on social networks like Facebook and Linkedin. This is a good time to survey them and see what other services and products they would like to see you offering. Always ask for referrals.
3. Do you like the 12 days of Christmas idea? Why not offer a different promotion for each day?
4. Do an e-mail marketing campaign where you tell them about your most successful product or service and offer them a 3 days special offer for this product. This time of the year people expect reviews and are curious about other people’s stories.
5. Every year do you go out and spend money on Black Friday? Why not be the one offering a Black Friday deal or even better, a Black Monday deal online?
6. Send a press release. Tell a case study from one of your customers and how you helped them become more successful. You can submit the press release online using PRweb or many other similar services.
7. Sell a new year planning teleseminar series where you will educate your audience in what they need to do next. You can record the calls and later have a new product to sell. Teleseminars are also great to bring prospects into your funnel. Use Facebook to promote this event.
8. Use the “End of the Year” or “New Year” offer to promote one of your products or services.
9. If you have an e-book or report, give it at no cost on your website and promote as a Thanksgiving offer.
10. Tell people you are doing an end of the year clean up in your office because you need extra space and sell some items at a discount.

Truffles and small business marketing

Truffle is one of the world’s most desirable culinary treasures? A pound of white truffles costs as much as $4,000. In order to find a truffle in nature you would have to dig some dirt.

It is like a little diamond that you have to find, dig the dirt to be able to enjoy. Marketing your business is not different. You need to do some digging in order to find precious opportunities. Truffle farmers use Beagles to sniff and find the truffles. Smart people have coaches to spot their diamonds.

How to be successful with online videos

Here are a few guidelines on how to be successful with online videos.
Online videos are one of the best options you have to market your business and although there is a little bit more work involved than audio, the results can be massive for your business.

1. Be consistent. This is the most important thing. It is better to have 5 videos that you post one every week than to have one long video. People will learn to expect your videos and they get frustrated if you are not consistent.
2. Post frequent. Whatever is better for you and helps you be consistent. Some people can post a daily video, others do once a week. The idea here is to post as frequently as possible.
3. Use short videos. Sometimes you have to go longer, but try to be under 5 minutes. Trim all the fat.
4. 1 story per video. Focus is king
5. Don’t be boring. Being boring is a big sin in marketing.
6. Pay a lot of attention on the title, description and tags. Titles need to entice people to click and they need to contain some keywords so people will be able to find your videos. Add your url to the description and use as many keywords as possible on the tags.
7. Uberpublish. Post your videos everywhere. YouTube is just one video sharing place, post on all of them and don’t forget to post on your blog. Use a distribution software like Myvideosubmitter to make your life easier.
8. Be part of the community. Especially on YouTube. Subscribe to people’s channels, comment on their videos.
9. Have your channel on YouTube.
10. Always have a call to action and take them to a place where they can take action.
11. On YouTube use the call to action overlay to take them to a place where they can take action. It is a great way to get YouTubers to know more about you.
12. Share your videos on the social networks that you belong to.
13. Get rid of all excuses and start posting videos today. Don’t postpone.
14. sign up for our in depth training program on how to use online videos for business

Anything or Whatever? Marketing a Small Business

Who Pops Your Popcorn Video Show! Who Pops Your Popcorn?! Episode #42. Would you like anything or whatever? Is it getting hard to make decisions? Is there an opportunity here? Show hosts are Shahar and Nash with marketing training. Click HERE to watch Who Pops Your Popcorn?! Episode #38 Now!

Download Who Pops Your Popcorn?!.

How to create a site that sells

We get all worried about having a great design for our website and creating products, but do we ever worry with the sales process?
We must master sales and make sure our site is a selling machine.
There is no point in driving traffic to a website if the site is not ready to convert.

Of course, text is still a big part of any website and we need to pay a lot of attention to the copy. After all, copy sells. Just don’t forget that copy can also be in audio and video format. A mix of text, audio and video makes a site a lot more interesting. Remember that being boring is a big sin in business.

The copy on your site must pin point the pain in your customer’s mind, not only his needs or wants, but the pain that if correctly addressed will make him take action.

Next, tell your customer how you can help solve this pain.
Engage your customer and explain how and why you can help.

Think about the objections that could come up in a conversation and address them.

Then tell your customer how they will benefit from your solution, show how others have benefited from it. Don’t be shy with testimonials. Testimonials can be text, audio and videos. Use testimonials everywhere you can, on the product page, home page.

Tell them what action is expected and how they should take this action.

Give them contact information on every page: e-mail, phone number etc.

Always have a place where they can get ion touch with you. Preferably in every page of the site. Let them communicate with you, ask questions, expose their fears.

And, if they want to buy, let them! Don’t make it difficult for people to buy from you. Name buttons clearly, provide a range of payment options and only ask for information that you really need. People don’t like to give you information, so only ask for what is necessary.

New FTC rules and how it will affect your business

Please remember that I’m not a lawyer and I am not giving you legal advice.

On Dec 2nd the FTC, Federal Trade Commission will start enforcing some new rules that will probably affect your business.
Here is a brief summary of the new regulations:
Voice broadcast: The FTc considers deceptive to use an automated service to leave messages. Now you cannot place a recorded call unless you have written permission on file. This applies to existing customers and clients with whom you already have a relationship. You must provide the consumer with an interactive means of opt out of future calls and they must be able to do it at any time during the call by pressing a particular number or speaking a particular word. You need then to place that consumer in a do not call list.
If the message is left on an answering machine, it must include a toll-free opt-out number that connects to an automated voice or key-press opt-out mechanism.
If your call is reminding about a coaching call or package shipped, it is ok as long as the call is not selling anything.
Remember that if your customer opts-out, it is an opt-out from all phone calls.
So, if you use calls to market to your audience, remember to work the language on your order forms to make sure it gives you express permission to send prerecorded calls and a place for them to sign.

FTC rules regarding testimonials.
Advertisements that feature a consumer and convey his or her experience with a product or service as typical when that is not the case will be required to clearly disclose the results that consumers can generally expect. That means that just saying that results are not typical is no longer enough to satisfy the FTC.
If you are a blogger or affiliate marketer you need to CLEARLY state that you are making money if someone clicks on a link and buys a product that you are talking about.

The revised Guides also add new examples to illustrate the long standing principle that “material connections” (sometimes payments or free products) between advertisers and endorsers – connections that consumers would not expect – must be disclosed. These examples address what constitutes an endorsement when the message is conveyed by bloggers or other “word-of-mouth” marketers. The revised Guides specify that while decisions will be reached on a case-by-case basis, the post of a blogger who receives cash or in-kind payment to review a product is considered an endorsement. Thus, bloggers who make an endorsement must disclose the material connections they share with the seller of the product or service. Likewise, if a company refers in an advertisement to the findings of a research organization that conducted research sponsored by the company, the advertisement must disclose the connection between the advertiser and the research organization. And a paid endorsement – like any other advertisement – is deceptive if it makes false or misleading claims.

The revised Guides also make it clear that celebrities have a duty to disclose their relationships with advertisers when making endorsements outside the context of traditional ads, such as on talk shows or in social media.