The customer is always right

We always talk about the importance of listening to your customer, have good follow-up strategies, keep a relationship and a conversation going with customers.

So sometimes, people get the wrong impression that this is the same as saying the customer is always right and that they have all final decisions. From how your business processes should be, to when they should pay you. Believe me, to understand this relationship is not only good for business, it is part of marketing too.

Have in mind that you as the business owner decide how to run your business, not the customer.
I found this blog post at Duct Tape marketing that I think explains this right:

“There is absolutely nothing wrong, in fact there’s everything right, with building a culture of making the customer thrilled at every turn, but you can’t adopt the mentality without two things firmly in place first.

1) You must absolutely set up every communication with the goal of attracting the ideal customer – ideal is a customer that values what you have to offer, values how you offer it, and determines that value is a mutual exchange of such – very much like any healthy relationship. Bad relationships come from misunderstanding yourself and what you really have to offer and the same might be said for attracting customers for the wrong reasons.

2) You must build an experience that does indeed thrill at every turn – from lead generation to getting paid.

With those two qualifications in place you can allow the customer to always be right, because you’ve designed a culture of mutual benefit and your “we won’t rest until its right” policy will serve both of you long term. Small businesses simply can’t afford to attract the wrong kind of life robbing customer and expect to make them thrilled, it’s a nearly impossible task and will be accomplished likely to the detriment of your ideal customers.”

So, repeat after me, the right customer is always right – with that mindset the accountability shifts from the customer to you.

Rocks or Diamonds

by Shahar

We are living in a moment where the media is selling crisis. Most people are buying into this message.
I hope you don’t buy into that but it is a good time anyway to reflect a little on the reason you are in business and how you do business. This is a good time to think about choices. Results in business are based on choices.

We might not like to admit, but we are responsible for self-inflicting bad times or prosperity. We are responsible for our choices.

Think about this: you can choose to sell rocks or diamonds.

You can pick rocks from your driveway which will be really cheap and won’t require a lot of work. They don’t have a lot of value unless you sell them in bulk.

On the other hand, mining diamonds is a similar task although it takes a little bit more work. You might have to travel to find diamonds, you need some specific tools etc.

The difference is that every diamond you find has a lot more value than a whole truck of rocks.

You are responsible for the business you are in and the results you get.

When marketing a business, same thing.

You can do what is easy and cheap or you can do a little more than your competition, use some tools they are not willing to use. Like social media, write on blogs etc.

The value you’ll get from these efforts are also very different.

Yes, sometimes it takes a little more work, a little more effort, an extra mile.

At the end, it is your choice: Rocks or diamonds?

3 Surefire ways to get more customers, more leads and therefore, a lot more money.

Whenever you see yourself in a moment when you need to make more money in your business, generate more leads and get more customers, you need to know you have 3 basic options:

1. Sell something different
2. Sell to someone different
3. Sell differently.

The one thing you absolutely cannot do: Keep on as-is.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just close our eyes, take a deep breath and wait for bad times to go away? And then, open our eyes and see everything back to normal?

Yes, it would, but in real life, this will not happen and you will have to change the way you do things in order to get different results.
Not only that, you might have to set up the alarm clock, get out of bed earlier and go do more of the things that are working for you now.

Not to discourage you, but allow me to tell you how things really work today.
We are all living in a new economy. The people willing to do what it takes will succeed and thrive in this new economy. Willingness to change and implement new strategies are a must. It is not difficult or hard. Just need to take action.

Now, back to the 3 surefire ways to get more customers, more leads and therefore, a lot more money that I just mentioned above; think for a moment how you could apply them into your business.

Here are a few questions/tips for you:

1. Can you incorporate a new product or service to your business?
2. Could you make some changes to an existing product or service and launch as a new one?
3. Could you add a continuity program to your existing business?
4. Can you find another channel to sell your services?
5. Could you sell them online?
6. Could you incorporate new follow-up systems in order to sell different services to your existing list of customers? (this is always cheaper than go out looking for new clients)
7. Can you learn how to generate new leads online using inexpensive social media tactics?
8. Could you sell using Teleseminars? (you’d be selling to different people and in a different way)
9. Can you create automated lead generation and follow-up strategies? (using auto-responders, free reports etc?)
10. Can you use tools like Twitter and Facebook to generate a flow of new prospects and traffic to your website?

Let me answer that for you: Yes, you can! It doesn’t matter what kind of business you have, B2C, B2B, with low budget, almost no budget etc.
Anyone can sell something different and/or sell to someone different and/or sell differently.
You might have to sharpen your saw, learn some new skills, but this is an easy problem to solve.
What really matters is that once you acquire the new skills you need you take action fast and implement.
Most people do not implement or just freeze and do nothing. That is the main reason why only 5% of the population ever gets rich. They are the ones that take action and implement.

People like to say they don’t do it because there is no budget, no extra money or no time. These are not the real issues.
Today, we have the internet with social media. Social media is not free, there is the time you need to commit, and it doesn’t work overnight, it is a process; but the return on your investment is huge.
By social media I mean tools like Twitter, Facebook, online videos etc.
Anyone can learn how to do it and can do it with almost no investment.

Did you know that Facebook alone has over 400 million active users (people that login at least once a week)? Do you know you could be selling to those people? Generating traffic to your store, office or website?
Did you know that 6,000 new accounts are created on Twitter every day? And you could be selling there?

Let me give you some examples of what I’ve stated above:

Sell to different people in different ways, through different channels

A pastry chef called Morita works for a restaurant in Hawaii. With the recession, attendance in the restaurant went down and he feared he would loose his job.
He started taking pictures and posting on Flickr and then announcing on Twitter what would be the desert of the day.
People started showing up, different people from a different channel. Hint, hint.
Today, the restaurant is selling way more than before the recession.

Hawaii is too far and your business could not do the same?

Ok, here is another example close to your home.

Some months ago, Pizza Hut started selling pasta (sell something different).
You probably saw the commercials. They used the fact that Americans tend to eat pasta at least once a week and that with the recession tend to stay and eat at home more. They saw an opportunity to steal sales from casual restaurants like Olive Garden (sell to someone different), and gain and edge over other pizza delivery chains.
They sold 2 million boxes of past just on the first month and plan to produce $500 million in revenue from this source on the first year.

I know, you are not in the pizza business. But your business is not different from these examples, you might like to think they are, so it would give you an excuse not to try something different, but at the end of the day, you could sell something different, to someone different that came from a different channel.

It is not about money, time or resources. It can be done.

The only thing you might need to get this accomplished is some new skills.
Maybe understand and learn how to use the Internet and social media the right way.
Maybe understand how to apply effective follow-up, generate leads, how to incorporate continuity programs to your business etc.

But not even that is a problem. Let’s cover the possible obstacles for you to invest in acquiring new skills to apply in your business:

Where to find training specific to your needs, to the point, with easy steps to implement, no fluff and proven to deliver results?

That is a very easy one! Buzzbooster Marketing just launched a whole series of multi-media training covering business issues that other places don’t.

You’d like to master Social media and use in your business, but every expert you met is broken and all they know is how to get a bunch of virtual friends.

I feel your pain! Most people think because they know how to do a profile on Facebook, they understand how businesses could profit with this.
The BuzzBoosters have a track history online, have several small online businesses and invest a lot in their own skills. They rub shoulders with some of the biggest online marketers and know what is working online.

Money is short.
Not a problem! During the launch phase, all training programs have a specials that are very affordable. They all have flex payments options too!
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I need to know everything, so I won’t have to go look for training somewhere else.
Our trainings are based in 6 easy steps. One step per week is covered in depth. Clear action steps and organized.
For 6 weeks, you will learn all that you can apply in your business for that topic.

So are we! That is why we cover all bases. The training programs have easy to watch instruction videos and how-to videos, audio, and text. You can learn using what you feel comfortable with. All material is available for download, so you can use when you feel you can focus more.

I’ve no time.
Time is our most valuable commodity. There is never enough of. That is why these trainings are so effective and different.
They last 6 weeks, but you will have access for a lot longer. Don’t forget that you can also download everything, and use when you have time.
You don’t have to attend classes in one specific time. You consume the training when you can, where you want. Just need to have internet access and a computer.

I need support!
You have it. We’ll support you all the way. After all, that is our mission “to empower entrepreneurs and business owners”. We want you to succeed. We want you to see us as partners.

I need to feel safe!
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The only thing you need to do is take action!
Choose the training program that you want now! You’ll have instant access and will be able to apply what you learn right away.
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Use coupon code: Imsmart for 15% off.
Offer is limited; prices will go up in mid-summer.
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Questions: 801-8429765 or

Here are a few of the training programs available:

Rank First on Google -Ultimate SEO Course!

Discover How You Can Profit With Online Videos!

Generate an Avalanche of Leads and Traffic to Your Business!

The Power of Continuity Programs – Make Money Over and Over Again
Twitter for Business: Harnessing the Power for Profits in 140 Chars!
Facebook For Business Magic!
Create a powerful joomla website from the ground up!
Powerful Direct Response Marketing Strategies
7 Steps to Increase Productivity
Magical Follow-Up Strategies for Business

Secrets of information marketing business

Social media inside out

How to create a sticky business- The power of positioning

Your business personality

Brand goes way beyond logos and taglines. Brand is the customer’s perception of your products or services.
Every touch point with the customer defines and reinforces your brand. This includes how you answer the phone, your appearance or the appearance of your sales force, your website etc.
It is critical for your business to manage this perception and to differentiate yourself from your competition.
Does your customer’s perception match the personality you want them to see?
Here are a few points to consider:

1. Are you really different?
What differentiate you from your competition? Please, don’t say it is customer service, quality or good price. These are expected and cannot be considered added benefit.
What differentiates you must be relevant to your customer and unique to your company.

2. Do you and your customers speak the same language?
Use their words and not your own. Pay attention to what your customers say when they interact with your company. On your website, find out what the search terms are.

3. Always remember you are selling to people and not to businesses. If you do B-to-B remember that it is really B-to-P. Business to person.

4. What is the emotional gain that your customer receives when doing business with you?
Make things simple and meaningful to your customers. Do not complicate.

5. Consider every point of contact an opportunity to reinforce your message. Use everything you can to get your brand reinforced, your website, packaging, direct mail, appearance.
6. Make your message relevant and special to the person placing the order.
Think of your brand as a persona instead of a commodity.

Defining and refining your business personality, or brand is a necessity. Your business should be constantly re-evaluated to make sure the message is consistent with your audience.
Remember that your audience is made of people with real lives, dealing with daily challenges.

Don’t leave up to the customer to decide your brand, this is up to you.

Online Video for Business

Smart businesses today know they have to use online video in their marketing mix. It is a powerful and really inexpensive media that reaches millions of people around the world.
One option of doing online videos for business when you think that producing a video would be complicated, is to use screen capture softwares. They record everything you have on your computer screen like photos, power point presentations and it records together with your voice. When you save, it saves in a video format ready to upload.
Screen capture videos are easy to use, fast and a great option if you want to use presentations you gave before or created training videos. is an online option to create a video. It is very easy to use. Great if you are doing just for fun or to communicate with your list, but it is not the best option to make videos to promote your business. is another option. It allows you to create a 5 minute video really fast. It also records what is on your screen. I use it to send instructions to my virtual assistant. We also keep all videos with training material, so when someone new comes onboard to our team, he or she can watch the videos and be trained and we saved hours that we would spend training ourselves.
Producing an online video can be done today by just using your cel phone or by getting a Flip camera. You point, shoot, hook to the computer and upload. It is really simple.
Some things you can accomplish with online video:
The best option when doing online video for business is to create your own Web TV show. This would help branding you or your company and because a show happens every week or every two weeks, you would educate your audience to come back and watch the show. Consistency in social media is king. Your own show would also establish you as the intentional choice for your market.
You can have an online infomercial about your product or service, for a fraction of the cost for traditional media.
Put your video resume so you can find better work opportunities.

Have a book trailer to promote your book and sell more.

Have videos on your site that will increase traffic and conversion.
Add video testimonials to your website- they have a lot more credibility
Have video on a squeeze page to generate more leads. This is a great option for local businesses and are proven to increase at least 30% the response rate.
Create training videos to employees, virtual assistants or for your site.
What about having you show up and walk on your website and introduce your business? Your website will be more engaging with video and audio than just plain text.
When you use online video, these things happen:
You will reach millions of people without spending a dime
You’ll rank on Google really easily with a video for your main keywords
Better branding
Become a celebrity
Double your business.
Get higher fees when you sell.
Reach millions of people without spending a lot of money.
Be perceived as the expert.
Get clients to call you.
Sell larger amounts of products.
Have your Bioclip.
Use this easy and cheap electronic marketing tool so that people around the world know your name.
Some Examples:
Gary Vainerchuck started his show and his wine store went from 1.5 million a year to 10m.
Blendtec a blender manufacturer is the greatest example on YouTube and they sell more blenders on a weekend than they used to sell in their best month.
Our show Who pops your popcorn? Reaches thousands of people every week and generates not only more clients but more PR.
And there are many more companies that benefit from the use of online videos.
You heard it, people respond better to visual.
No one has a problem to click the play button and people love to watch video.
Why not invest in your ability to take control of your profits, increase your lifestyle and make a substantial amount of money simply because you chose to get yourself on an online video?
The cost: It is really low if you compare to any kind of media, with one big difference: There are 154 million people watching videos online. It is more than if you combine all tv and movie screens! So, start planning how you want your video to be. You can use your home camera or even your computer camera to shoot your video and there are many cheap and easy softwares to help you edit.
You don’t need to edit though. Social media is about being transparent and real. Online videos should not have a lot of production and some mistakes are ok as long as the content provides value.
Want to understand and have step by step instructions on how to use online video?
Try our modular training at:

10 Facts on Social Media for Business Mindset

Understand that despite all the rage in media about social media tools like Twitter and Facebook, most businesses fail when trying this environment.
There is a mindset and a behavioral paradigm that needs to shift and be in place for it to work. Social media is not advertising as we know it and you have to learn to live with it.
Here are some basic points:
● Understand that this is a new ground with new rules.
● Consumer behavior has changed and will not be ever the same again
● The consumer has more choice, more power and wants to be part of your brand
● You need to listen first
● You will see results over time, there is no such thing here as instant gratification.
● You can repurpose your content which will save you a lot of time. This needs to be an easy process.
● Spend your time in order to create relationships with influencers. They blog, they Tweet, they podcast and they have profiles on Facebook. Boy, they are everywhere! That is why you need to listen first.
● The Rule of thirds reigns here: (1/3 web presence, 1/3 one-way, 1/3 social)
● Track everything you do so you know what works and what does not work. In the new economy you need to know which half of your marketing efforts is working.
BuzzBooster has an impressive social media coaching program that you can get at: Social Media for business

A Twitter Case Study, Rick Frishman and How to Keep Selling

Who Pops Your Popcorn Video Show! Who Pops Your Popcorn?! Episode #37. Who Pops Your Popcorn?! Web TV Show episode #37. We show you how a pastry chef is cleverly using Twitter, how to keep selling online and offline over and over again, and Rick Frishman with a cool tip for you! Show hosts: Shahar and Nash Marketing Experts from Click HERE to watch Who Pops Your Popcorn?! Episode #36 Now!

Download Who Pops Your Popcorn?!.

Business Storytelling, Patricia Fripp and Domize

Who Pops Your Popcorn Video Show! Who Pops Your Popcorn?! Episode #31. On this show we talk about mastering business storytelling, and Patricia Fripp gives you a great marketing tip, Nashlah will talk about Domize another great tool. Show hosts are Shahar and Nashlah Boyayan from BuzzBooster Marketing Advisors. Click HERE to watch Who Pops Your Popcorn?! Episode #31 Now!

Download Who Pops Your Popcorn?!.

Using Twitter

“What is Twitter?”

Twitter is a website that allows registered users to post short comments up to 140 characters to their followers: other Twitter users who subscribe to your posts, or “tweets.” Posts can be made from the Twitter website, from numerous cell phone applications, and from instant messenger clients like AIM, so “tweeting” is very easy to do, from pretty much anywhere.
You can think of Twitter as instant messaging from one to many and from many to one.
At a first glance, you could think that Twitter is for people that are bored, and at the beginning, this was probably true until some people began to tweet at conferences and events.
Within months of launch, a few experimental brands saw the opportunity and jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. Comcast, often a target of angry bloggers, began to answer customer service queries on Twitter. H&R Block started offering tax advice.
Simultaneously, many applications were developed to allow easy tweeting. This led to a tremendous rise in the number of users, resulting in the Twitter we know today with over 6 million users.

Are companies using Twitter?

Yes, they are and every day more com onboard, they finally realized that they can be using Twitter for outreach, customer service and engagement. Here is a short list:
• Whole Foods
• Marriott International
• Starbucks
• Urban Outfitters
• Carl’s Jr.
• GE
• American Apparel
• TJ Maxx
• Fast Company
• Wall Street Journal
• Apple
• QuickBooks
• Dell
• JetBlue
• Virgin America
• Ford
• Comcast
• Dunkin’ Donuts

What to Tweet about?

Twitter can be used in two ways. One is to convey information, the other is to spark discussions.
Ideally, a timeline should contain a good mixture of both kinds of tweets.

Here are a few options used by companies:

• Give tips on one specific topic
• Customer support.
• Feedback
• Category/sector news
• Company news that are interesting
• Current events that impact company business or that you are promoting
• Reports from the floor of events such as conferences
• Special offers to Twitter followers (discounts, promotions, contests)

Don’t forget to use your imagination. Some companies are already using Twitter to take orders and suggesting different uses for their products, others have Twitter parties for specific groups.

What not to tweet about?
Just Tweet about things that could add value.

How much time will this take?

Twitter is a qualitative, rather than quantitative, brand channel. It’s a great tool to build dialogue, engender trust, establish brand loyalty, and to raise awareness.
Try to spend 2 to 4 hours a week on Twitter.
If you think it is too much, reallocate some of your time and effort away from older techniques and try the new. You’ll have fun, learn a lot and will be able to demonstrate new expertise and innovative marketing approaches.

What is proper Twetiquette?

• Stay positive. It’s easy to get snarky, easy to scoff.
• Thank people who follow you with a Direct Message. Twitter allows you to send private messages (called “Direct Messages” or DMs) to individual users. Rather than publicly replying, send a DM saying thank you.
• If someone asks you a question, respond via DM. If your response would benefit a number of followers, reply publicly.
• If it makes sense, thank those who retweet your tweets. If you see “RT @yourname” in your Replies, it means someone has found your tweet valuable enough to share with their own followers.
• There is some debate about automatically following those who follow you. Some think it’s only fair to follow those who follow you, as a sign of mutual respect. Others only follow interesting Twitterers, regardless of whether or not they follow you.

What is the first step?
Open a Twitter account, start following some people and listen to the conversation. You will soon get the feel and the addicting bug!