Have you heard of Branded Entertainment?

Have you heard the term “Branded Entertainment”? It is a new format being used in a lot of local TV stations.

Here is what the Huffington post has to say about it:  “There is a new trend going on among local TV shows as well as cable news shows to sell interview spots to authors, speakers and business people for fees ranging from $900 to $4,500. Some people are calling it “branded entertainment” and you can even find it listed on Wikipedia. Infomercials aren’t working any longer, so this form of 5-minute interview tied to a news show is the new, bright shiny object that people are chasing after.”

This format works because it is short, goes right to the point, inform people of what you do, helps you promote a product, book etc and it has relevant information to an audience.

This format can be done in audio or video so TV stations and radio stations use it. When done right, you increase your visibility because it reaches the audience that show has and you still use the same audio or video file to promote on your site, social media etc. A interview format always increase credibility, exposure and tends to be shared more often.

The show Business Highlights TV gives an opportunity for speakers, authors and entrepreneurs to have this branded entertainment content for a very affordable fee of $230 for audio and $270 for video. This includes the script for the segment. This promotional price is valid until Christmas.

The show is distributed online via iTunes and several other podcast directories, to several car apps and through the Roku channel Buzz and Biz and promoted on social media to over 100k followers.

The company behind the show is Buzzbooster which has a large experience with podcasts like Boomerology Revealed and many others, interviews etc.

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Business Highlights TV

Best times to post on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest

According to Hubspot here is Best times to post on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest

The Best and Worst Times to Post, Pin & Tweet

best: 1pm to 4pm- highest click through

Peak time: Wed 3pm

worst time
weekends before or after 8pm


best- Monday-Thursday 1pm to 3pm
peak: Mond to thursd 9am to 3pm
Worst everyday after 8pm- Fridays after 3pm


Best: Sat morning
Peak: Fridays 3pm
Worst: normal work hours

NeuroMarketing tip: How to create a habit [BuzzBoosterTv #117 ]

Check how habits are created and how you can apply this to your business.
It takes more than just posting something on social networks. In order to create a habit you have to provide reward and repetition. With Nashlah and Shahar

For past episodes go to:BuzzBooster TV

BuzzBooster TV is also available on iTunes, YouTube and Roku at the Buzz and Biz Channel under the special interest category.

Every share, every like, every subscription matters.

Is your Marketing Disruptive? [BuzzBooster TV #116]

If you are not disrupting with your marketing right now prepare to be disrupted.

Take action. Start by watching this new episode of BuzzBooster TV

When businesses create disruption in the market, they innovate and create a category of one, becoming leaders. With Shahar and Nashlah.


For past episodes go to:BuzzBooster TV

BuzzBooster TV is also available on iTunes, YouTube and Roku at the Buzz and Biz Channel under the special interest category.

Every share, every like, every subscription matters.

Not Happy with Your Email Metrics? Include a Coupon

Emails with discounts have higher open, click and transaction rates
eMarketer estimates that last year, the majority of US adults used digital coupons, and that figure will rise to 55.0% this year. Judging by recent research, it’s likely that many of those coupons will come from emails.

According to a Q4 2013 study, emails sent by Experian Marketing Services clients that included coupons saw more success than those with no coupons. Email campaigns that offered recipients a coupon had a 34% higher unique click rate and a 14% higher unique open rate. In addition, transaction rates saw a 27% lift.


Boomerology Revealed TV show

Here is a new show on our Buzz and Biz Network.

It is called Boomerology Revealed.

Boomerology Revealed is a TV show for boomers by boomers.

Each week we bring news about boomer’s lives, health and interviews.

The show broadcasts Worldwide through Smart TVs and OTTs like Roku and Samsung.

Also Available on Itunes and Online.

Boomerology Revealed is part of the Buzz and Biz show Network, a media company.

The show is hosted by Shahar Boyayan, a professional speaker, author, business owner and show host.

Directed by Nashlah Boyayan, Film major, professional speaker, business owner and the daughter.