Are you going far, going fast and going big in your business?

I don’t know how many times I said I needed to go far, go fast and go big with my business but I just didn’t know what to do.

I thought I had to do more things in order to go to the next level and frankly, I didn’t even really know what the next level meant.

Until I figured that I could create bursts of income and therefore be able to propel my business faster. There were some mindsets shifts that had to occur.

Now, I know that in order to create those bursts of income I need to check 4 points:

Anchor: Where I set a definite purpose and move fast

Propel: I set here how to go far, create systems and a strong personal support system

Maximize: Here is where I market by taking massive action, leverage efforts and income streams

Master: in this one all I think is leverage of time and income. Where I feel I don’t need to be there to make things happen.

I use this for the big picture of my business seeing these points as phases and in smaller projects or services I plan to launch seeing them as working points to make things happen.

I call this the Go far, Go fast and Go big system and here is where you can get to know more.

Get the BuzzBooster App

Don’t forget to download our app is you use an Android phone.

You will have access to all our shows, our blog updates, a lot of cool stuff including a QR scanner.

Just go to the Android market and type BuzzBooster.

Yes, we did submit to the Apple store too but who knows when they will approve?

Getting what you want in life and in business

I would really take the time to watch this video.

In order to go far, go fast and go big you need to change some behavior habits. This video can help you with that.

Mel Robbins is a married working mother of three, an ivy-educated criminal lawyer, and one of the top career and relationship experts in America. Widely respected for her grab-’em-by-the-collar advice and tough love, Robbins drills through the mental clutter that stands between people and what they want. Her approach is smart, effective and entertaining. Five days a week, Mel hosts her own syndicated radio show The Mel Robbins Show, discussing hot topics and giving advice to callers across America. She is starring in a new series, In-Laws, airing this summer on A&E. In addition, she writes a monthly column for Success Magazine, is a former CNBC contributor and is the co-founder of Advice for Living, Inc., which develops products and television programming with experts in the wellness, health, relationship and career categories.

Most nights, once the kids are in bed, you’ll find Mel at home with a bourbon on the rocks and her Australian Shepherd at her feet, writing about life, love and everything else on her award-winning blog:

How to sell using teleseminars

The content of this hangout was so good we decided to use as one of our episodes of BuzzBooster TV. We cover teleseminars, webinars and telesummits. Annette Pieper shares how she put a very successful telesummit with some pretty big speakers and some challenges too.

Watch BuzzBooster TV to get the whole story.

How to Get where you want in business an enjoy the profits

Yes there is a process for you to get where you want in business, do it fast and be able to enjoy the profits.

We’ll show you how in our next free teleseminar. March 15th.

All you need to do is register right now.

Thursday March 15, 2012 at Noon PT, 1pm MT, 2pm CT and 3pm ET with Shahar, Nash and Michele, in which you will learn:

  • How to figure out exactly what it is you want for your business.
  • How to structure the business to get exactly what you want.
  • How to accomplish this FAST.
  • How to get the best out of the business so you can enjoy the profits and your life.
  • A simple 4 step process to eliminate these frustrations and how you can master this process.

Go far, go fast, Go big

I’ve asked myself how to go far, go fast and go big several times. In fact I’ve spent 10 of thousands of dollars paying coaches to help me achieve this goal. Since most claim they made it, why not pay to get the formula?

Fact is, most of the time all you get for your hard earned money is a bunch of new things to do. Fix website, use Facebook, e-mail this many times etc. No strategies, or the strategies are: Do a telesummit, build a list etc. Even worse, they apply the same strategy to all their clients as if all businesses where the same.

After a while you realize that they are in the business of telling you to use tool after tool, no real strategy and they only make money because they sell a story. Fact is, few can make it become real.

It took me quite a while to see that the main problem is that no one tackles the real issue: That we as entrepreneurs, being so involved in moving our business forward, don’t see many times what is front of our nose, we bring to the business many misconceptions, wrong beliefs and bad behaviors and many times don’t have time to think and think big or even define what big is. Most of the time we are overwhelmed and exhausted of working very hard and not seeing good results.

Defining a number is not thinking big, thinking big is being able to see opportunities that might become real and visualizing the empire your business could become with a clear path to get there. Nothing woo-woo here. There is a methodology to be applied.

I’m no expert in thinking big. I’ve struggled with myself many times because I know where I came from, how little I had and what is real today was unthinkable some years ago. I do know that today represents just a drop in the bucket tomorrow. The difference today is that I can see a process where I can focus and go far, go fast and go big. So can everybody else.

After a good amount of disappointment while seeking advice, I started observing people that where doing what I was seeking and I started mapping what was happening. During the nights I would sit and think about the similarities and mind map the commonalities and transforming them in types of actions.

It took a while but I finally got it: 4 stages where we need to focus and acquire the right kind of behavior, action and some times tools in order to achieve more in a short period of time.

I like the idea of creating a perfect storm for wealth creation.

Have in mind that these stages are not about marketing actions but about seeing, creating and refining. It is not a to do list, it is a lifestyle.

These stages are:

Anchor: Here you arm yourself with the right attitude and you learn to think like a winner. Again, not woo-woo stuff. This is for example realizing that your resourcefulness is way more important that the resources you have available and you use what you have, right now and use it fast. Here is where you see in details what you need to see about your business and you craft the right scenario. Defining the ideal client is crucial at this stage but not the type of definition you read in books. A much deeper kind. This will take you far

Propel: Here is when you set to go fast.
Know when to move, when to turn and sit at the right power table to make your connections propel you even further. Here you are able to see the real growth opportunities you have and how to get there. How or if creating an empire is a real possibility and the path to get there. Word of advice: If you want to fly with eagles, don’t swim with ducks!

Fly with eagles
Fly with eagles

: Here we start the process of going big. Marketing in a smart way belongs here. (see? not at the beginning, when you are not ready). Maximum attention from your market, new revenue channels and the learning on how to connect opportunities happen on this stage. Here is where you start to leverage marketing efforts in order to expand income

This stage we taste what big is and we stay there and enjoy the profits of our actions. We go for total leverage, we go for more expansion- which is fast, instead of growth- which is slow, and we have continuity income flowing so there are no worries.

4 simple stages. You first define which stage you are in your business and then move to get to the next one. I like to think I can do something each day that will help each of these stages and strengthen my business.

I’ve developed a series of actions for each one and now we are showing our clients how to implement them and we’ve noticed that they too move in bursts and achieve a lot more in a short period of time.

I’m really excited about this and would really like to share this with you. This is not the kind of stuff you can do on a teleseminar or video. It is real and I need time to deliver this.

I’ll be presenting this in depth during the Extreme Income Explosion summit in May and I want you to come spend 3 days with me and some folks that have applied this in their own lives.

This is a unique opportunity and you should take action.

Or you can keep fooling yourself and try a new tool, spend more time online, hire the shiny coach of the moment and never get what you know you are worth and be where you know you should be.

Life is made of choices.

How to Position Yourself And Your Business For Instant Success!

This is the name of our next teleseminar next Tuesday

We’ll cover:
How to Craft an Irresistible Promise
How to have a unique and Irresistible
“business voice”
How to become a master of mystique
and turn your business into an
irresistibly attractive business
How to be Irresistible With Social Media
How to be Irresistible on Auto-Pilot!
…and so MUCH more!

Register now to How to Position Yourself And Your Business For Instant Success!

Later on the same day we have a marketing hangout on online visibility.
Check more on marketing hangout

56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest

So if you are interested in Pinterest as a small business marketing tool, here is another great post by CopyBlogger that guides you to use Pinterest as a social media marketing too.

In case you’ve been living in a mountain cave in Bhutan for the past couple of months, Pinterest is a relatively new social networking site that allows users to create online image collages, then quickly and easily share those collages — called “pinboards” — with other Pinterest users.

It’s fun, easy, and catching on like wildfire right now.

Part of Pinterest’s appeal is that it’s beautiful. Enter the lovely world of Pinterest, and all the troubles of your day-to-day life just seem to slip away in a stream of perfect little black dresses, baby otters, and cherubic children who never seem to get dirty or mouth off to their parents.

Because it’s image-based, the core of Pinterest is overwhelmingly positive. I like to think of Pinterest as Facebook without the whining.

Yes, Pinterest is beautiful. And yes, its users love it. But don’t let all the hearts and flowers fool you. Behind those lovely images, Pinterest is fast becoming a heavy hitting marketing tool for brands and businesses … like yours.

Let’s take a quick look at why this is, and then we’ll get into 56 specific Pinterest tactics you can use to your own marketing advantage.
What is Pinterest and why should I care?

Once you’ve got a Pinterest account, you can create online collages (“boards”) for different topics you’re interested in, and then add images and videos to your boards by “pinning” them (the equivalent of using glue sticks on old-school vision boards, but faster, slicker, and considerably cooler.)

Pinterest has nearly five million users, and is rapidly growing. Nearly 1.5 million unique users visit Pinterest daily, spending an average of 15 minutes a day on the site.

Think those inspiring vision boards don’t result in referral traffic to websites and blogs? Think again. In January 2012, Pinterest drove greater traffic to websites than LinkedIn, Google Plus, Reddit, and Youtube — combined.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how beginner, intermediate, and black-belt Pinterest users are using it to grow their businesses and connect with their customers using these appealing online collages.

Here are 56 powerful ways I’ve come up with to incorporate Pinterest into your content marketing mix …
Pinterest marketing for beginner pinners …

Make sure you feature your business name on your profile for maximum exposure. Use your business name as your username, or change your profile name to your business name after your profile is set up.
Add a paragraph about who you are and what you’re interested in to the “About” section on your Pinterest profile. It will show up right under your photo, and will be one way that users can find out more about you.
Connect your account with your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Not only will it help you gain followers, but making this connection adds social media icons under your profile picture that link to your Facebook and Twitter profiles.
Don’t forget to add your website URL in your profile, too!
Pin lots of stuff. Pin content steadily, instead of in huge bursts, to maximize your exposure and engagement.
Come up with creative and interesting board names. They get shared whenever you pin something, so make them enticing. But be creative — you need to keep your board names short. There isn’t a lot of room for long descriptive titles.
Tag other Pinterest users in your pins by using “@username” in your descriptions. Network with other professionals and vendors in your field by using this feature. Not many people are doing this yet, so it’s a great way to build your following and stand out.
Comment on other people’s pins. Just like with tagging, this feature hasn’t really caught on yet, so use it regularly to really engage with other users. Obviously, use the same good manners and common sense you would when commenting on a blog or other social media site.
“Like” other people’s pins to give a thumbs-up when you want to recognize great content.
Pin from lots of different sources, instead of just from one or two sites. Variety is important on Pinterest.
Mix pinning your own unique finds with doing lots of “repinning,” which is repeating someone else’s pin to your followers (just like a Retweet on Twitter). The person whose image you repin gets notified via email, and they also get a credit on your pin, which increases their following.
Feel free to pin your own blog posts, but don’t over-promote. Follow the usual etiquette rules of any other social media site, and don’t be the boorish one at the party who only talks about himself.
Pin videos! Pinterest has a special section just for pinned videos, and there are far fewer videos than images on Pinterest at this point, so use them to distinguish yourself. Any YouTube video is easy to pin.
When you pin an image, add a description under it. Be smart about these descriptions — a good description will stay with an image as it gets repinned all over the Pinterest world. If the image is something from your own site, definitely use your business name in the description.
After you pin a new image using the very handy Pinterest browser bookmarklet (a great tool in its own right,) use its built-in social media prompts to re-share your pin on Twitter and Facebook, too.
Use Pinterest’s embed option to publish pins as content in your blog posts and website pages. Note: As Pinterest is catching on, you may need to tell your users that they need to click on a Pinterest image to get to the original source. When I tried this last week, a reader wrote to me and asked, “Is there more to that Pin thing? Or is it just a pretty image?”
Get the Pinterest iPhone app, so you can repin on the go, pin from your camera and add a location to your pins so others can find your images.
Optimize your website content for Pinterest sharing (Part One): Use images in every single post you write, so your post can be shared on Pinterest. When you find yourself getting lazy about this, remember –- not using an image in your post means no one will pin it. And remember — the prettier the picture is, the more it will get pinned. The images that appeal to Pinterest members are powerful and emotive, so keep that in mind when choosing your pictures. That combination tends to work well for your blog readers, too.
Optimize your website content for Pinterest sharing (Part Two): Consider watermarking your images, or adding text to them. If you’re using your own images on Pinterest, one of the best ways to help your image stand out is by adding a clear description to the image itself, or adding a watermark with your business name. Make sure it’s clear, but that it doesn’t block out the main subject of the photo.
Create seasonal or holiday boards that relate to your brand. Example: New Year’s Resolutions, Fourth of July, etc. Users love these.
Add a prominent Follow Me on Pinterest button to your website to advertise that you’re a pinner!

Pinterest marketing for intermediate pinners …

Search for new images to pin (or for trends) by using Pinterest’s search function. The search bar is in the top left of every Pinterest page.
Use keywords in descriptions of pins, so pinners can find your images and boards when they do their own searches.
Make sure you’ve got a Pin It! button added to the footer of each of your blog posts so your readers can quickly and easily share your content on Pinterest.
Your Pinterest page has its own RSS feed! Find your Pinterest feed by clicking on the RSS symbol under your profile photo, then use it anywhere you can use a feed (Facebook, LinkedIn, for syndication on other sites, etc.) Advertise your Pinterest feed to your readers and ask them to add you to their RSS feedreaders.
Got a WordPress site? Feature your recent pins in a widget in your WordPress sidebar by using a Pinterest widget.
You can add contributors to any of your boards. Use this feature to engage your staff and let them contribute to your Pinterest presence by using adding to your company boards. Your staff will love this, and your boards will be richer for it!
Want to find out who’s been pinning your stuff? Go to: For an example, check out Copyblogger’s source page. Look at your site’s page often to discover which posts and images are resonating with Pinterest users. Use that information to shape your content strategy.
Add prices to your pins to create your own Pinterest shop. To add a price to a pin, type the $ or £ symbol followed by item’s price in the pin’s description. When you add prices to your pins, they may be featured in Pinterest’s “Gifts” section.
Create a board that tells the story of your company and communicates your core values. Make this board available to people as part of your sales process.
Consider creating “thank you” boards for current or past clients that send special appreciative messages. Could you create a holiday thank you card? Or one that celebrate the launch of a new client’s big project with your company?
Pin tutorials on your boards. Need to walk a client through how to use your products or services? Or do you want to create free how-to videos to use as promotional materials? Pin your videos and presentations on special “How-To” or “Tutorial” boards. Anything you teach your clients can be made into a tutorial.
Watch for trends. Click on the “Popular” link on your Pinterest home page to research what’s catching on with pinners, then integrate those trends into your content strategy.
Be yourself. Pinterest is all about personal expression, so don’t be afraid to pin stuff that represents who you really are.
Create a special board to highlight your company’s team members. Use the description under each photo to write a bio of each person.
Show behind-the-scenes photos of your company. People love knowing how you make things!
Become an information curator for your niche. Gather the newest and best resources on your boards. Become a trusted source of information on Pinterest, and your following will grow by leaps and bounds.
Integrate your Pinterest account with Facebook’s timeline feature, so you post content in both places at once.
Highlight old content on your blog so that people can repin your archived posts. The LinkWithin tool will add a footer to your blog posts that features images and links pulled from old content, giving people the opportunity to pin previous articles.
Thinking about freshening up old photos, or going back through your blog archives and adding photos to those text-only posts? Now is the time! Remember — the prettier the picture, the more pins you will get.

Pinterest marketing for black-belt pinners …

Find out when you’re getting the most repins, likes, comments and referral traffic by regularly analyzing both your Pinterest profile and your site traffic stats. Test out pinning on different days of the week and times of day to maximize traffic and audience engagement.
Connect your clients who use Pinterest by introducing them to each other. Recognize your best pinners by sending out a weekly “Best of Pinterest” email that includes spotlighted boards and pins from your clients’ profiles.
Create moderated boards for your fans to express their support for you. They can add videos, blog posts and photos from your events.
Do you have a number of different ideal client personas? Create a separate board to represent each client persona, then use those boards during your sales cycle and embed them into your website pages so people are clear about the kinds of clients you’re trying to attract.
Create boards for the classes and webinars you teach, and use them as supplemental material for your students. You can use the boards during your class or presentation, or send your students home with Pinterest boards to explore after class. If you’re teaching a live class or workshop, include pictures from the actual event.
Create boards for referral sources, affiliates and strategic partners, and let them add to the boards. Engage with the partners so they know they are included and appreciated.
Allow your best customers or star students to join in on certain boards and pin ideas and suggestions about how to use your product, or themes that go along with your products and services.
What could be better for showcasing how awesome your business is than creating a dedicated testimonials board?
Use Pinterest boards to tell client stories. Turn boring written case studies into powerful visual stories.
Check out your VIP clients’ boards to get ideas for special thank you or holiday gifts.
Create quick-start guides or owner’s manual boards for your products. Or if you’re primarily a service provider, create a “How to Get the Most Out of Working with Me” board with ideas and suggestions on maximizing your service relationship.
Create boards for conferences that you attend. Carry cards with instructions on getting invited to post on that board — conference attendees will love this!
Create beautiful, visually interesting coupons, and add them to your boards.
Your clients will be blown away if you create special boards just for them that include resources and ideas tailored to their individual situations. This will really make your company shine is done regularly and well.
Offer exclusive Pinterest promotions. Create pins that give special promotions for following you on Pinterest.
Run a Pinterest contest. Invite your readers to pin links and images from your site that inspire, motivate, move or entertain them. Then judge the winners by creativity or ingenuity and offer a juicy prize. Offer to promote the winners’ Pinterest boards on your site as part of the contest.

Pinterest is a beautiful (and effective) content marketing tool

Pinterest is not only picking up steam in social media circles, it has become a proven source of traffic for blogs and websites, quickly surpassing current favorites like LinkedIn and YouTube.

While lots of folks are flapping their jaws about the impressive statistics of Pinterest, some companies are quietly using this fabulous new tool to pin their way to better customer engagement and a visually interesting, personally appealing brand.

My advice? Take a long, hard look at including Pinterest as part of your 2012 content marketing plan.

And start making your social media strategy more beautiful, one little pin at a time.