Google Plus, Search plus Your World and your business

This time I’m going to say I told you so.
for months we’ve been talking about the importance of Google plus and how the fact that is a passion based relationship creates more relevant conversations with your audience.

We told you to create your Google plus business page

We did an episode of our show on how to use Google Plus for business

We talked everywhere about the Google Plus hang out feature

and talked more on Google plus possibilities

and then we told you the content inside Google plus was getting indexed in the search engines.

Well, today your presence or lack of presence on Google Plus is impacting your findability- Yes, people that may be looking for something you offer might not find you or even worse find your competitors.

Google released Search plus Your World where results from Google Plus will show first.

Look what happens if I search for the word photography. This is a topic I discuss on Google Plus

Google Search Plus
Google Search Plus

Look on the right side and see suggestions from Google Plus

Now look when I do the same search when I’m not logged in. Google thinks I’m a new search

Google Plus
Google Plus

If you are not already seeing Google plus results in your searches go here: Google and upgrade.

Again, it is time to put hands to work and work on your Google Plus profile and create a Google plus business page. Fast.

Did I mentioned it is also extremely fun and a lot more relevant that Facebook if your business is around a topic that people have a irrational passion for? Like photography, crafts, nutrition, self-improvement etc? Try typing thing you are passionate about inside Google Plus.

If you are one of our social media agency clients, don’t worry, all is taken care for you.

How to use Facebook Timeline in your business

A new episode of BuzzBooster TV is now live.

This week we talk about how to use Facebook timeline for business, how to incorporate the Wow factor in your sales and have an interview with Chris Mullins the phone sales doctor on how the good old phone can bring more business to you.

Social media tips, small business marketing strategies and helping you achieve long lasting prosperity is what this show is about.

Watch the new episode by clicking here.

Small Business lessons I learned while doing bird photography

Nashlah and I got cool photo cameras for Christmas with cool telephoto lenses. I haven’t touched a professional camera for over 20 years. I used to be a professional photographer when Nashlah was a baby. I used to work for a pet magazine but with my divorce I lost some of my equipment and never touched a professional camera until now.

We decided to do some bird photography and used the holidays for a photo expedition. The first thing I learned was how important it is to invest in self-improvement. Being from the “film age” dealing with a digital camera was not as easy as i thought, especially the automated focus part. I got some magazines to help me with that and this week I’m heading to a photo club to be able to update myself. Same applies to having a business, self-improvement is crucial and no, we don’t have all the answers and we have to adapt to new times.Also good is to create relationships with people that can help you get to the next level.

Right on the first day we saw a bald eagle. It was my first bald eagle in the wild. How thrilling that moment was!  The impressive bird was far and I messed up the focus again so the pictures were not too good, but the excitement was still there. We decided to come back the next day to try again. Persistence in life and in business is crucial. We can never forget that.

The next day the eagle was there and the pictures came out a lot nicer. I noticed a funny thing. Nashlah would take a picture, get excited about it and would keep looking for the pictures in the camera, while the bird was there, waiting for her. She got excited with the result and chose to pass the real moment in order to focus on her achievement. Well, it is a good thing to praise ourselves but you cannot let a shiny thing take you away from the real moment and the real work that needs to be done. That moment will never come back again. It is so precious and cannot be wasted with things that can be done later.

We then decided to focus on finding more eagles and big birds and that is what we did for the next 3 days.

We saw on the map that there were some bird refuges close by and some water fowl management areas so we headed there.

It was a holiday and when we got to the first water fowl area, the place was empty. We had no idea what a water fowl management area was and it looked a little scary riding our brand new car in a very small strip of land surrounded by water on both sides, plus the silence and the fact you could not see an end on the road.

My heart started racing and I was a bit scared. The situation was new to me, with a lot of unanswered questions and I a feeling that I could not control the outcome. Then I realized I had made the commitment to try something new everyday in order to face my own fear and limitations and to show myself there are new possibilities, opportunities and I don’t have to be in control of every outcome. At that moment I really started enjoying the experience. Yes, same thing should be done in our businesses.

We didn’t see many birds there, since it was a very cold day in winter, not the best time to start bird photography. We shot pictures of some birds we didn’t know and some flying hawks. That night before heading to the hotel we got some western bird’s books. We needed some self-improvement in that area as well. We also had a little talk about the fact that we started taking the pictures not in the best time of the year and with little planning and preparation. Isn’t this typical of entrepreneurs? It was good but it could have been better. The fact is, we would go on no matter what but next weekend, believe me we will be better prepared.

The next day was just fantastic! We spotted a bald eagle right at the beginning. Well, now we knew what to look for, we had learned to see and due to the books, we knew a little about their habits.

She was on a tree not too far. We stopped the car and started walking with the equipment. We were really close when she flew away. We learned a few things. Disappointment happens no matter how excited you are and some “thinking through the end” before acting helps. Why we though that the eagle would stand still seeing two voluptuous girls walking with big equipment, very colorful clothes and chatting at full lungs is beyond me. That lesson sank in really fast. This week we are out to buy some camouflaged clothes and we are training in keeping our mouth shut.

Entrepreneurs should live by the motto “fall seven times, stand up eight”, so we decided to go after that eagle and find her again. Using our best judgement we started going around until we finally saw her again. Standing on a tree on a farm ground.  There we went. Almost quiet this time. It was so exciting! We had to do a minor trespassing, but we could not loose that opportunity.

We got a lot closer this time. The lens could be a little longer, the light a little better I kept thinking but my finger could not stop taking the pictures. Then I noticed that I should take care of composition, different exposure times etc. Things I should take care in order to get a good picture. So I remember one thing my photography professor taught me many years ago. He would say every time we were shooting. “Cut your anxiety in half and go closer”. I finally took a deep breadth, corrected what needed to be corrected and took another step, and another one.

The eagle was looking at us the whole time and at some point decided to fly away, but this time it flew towards us. I kept shooting, it is so much easier to shoot several pictures now than before! It flew right above our heads, really close. I don’t know if eagles attack humans but I couldn’t care less. We were jumping up and down for at least half an hour.  I got a very good picture and Nash got several.

Now we went looking for more bald eagles, we felt unstoppable. Not a big deal that there are not that many bald eagles flying around, we knew we could do it. After a few hours we spotted another one. She flew, we chased and we got a few more pictures. We were able to fulfill our challenge and the feeling was great. That night we were exhausted but had a hard time falling asleep. That feeling was so exciting! Knowing that you are able to reach your goals and go after challenges is great. I made a side note to start doing some exercise. If I need to keep doing this, I need to be in good shape. Changes are necessary and good.

Next day we headed to some other bird refugees and water fowl management areas. Now we decided to get as many western birds documented as possible. We like challenges just like most entrepreneurs. Last year we took a geocaching challenge of finding one cache in each page of the Utah atlas and we did it. We covered the whole state of Utah. Could tell you a lot more about planning ahead before venturing into deserts with that story. (We thought deserts would have gas stations and restaurants).

I had to deal with another little problem in the water fowl management area. These places have a lot of hunters. I respect their right they have to kill but have a very hard time with this, especially with the sound of fire arms. My brother was killed some years ago and every shot would bring that memory back. I had to keep telling myself that this was another thing I needed to be able to face and force to think that instead of his death, each shot would remind me that he loved life and his hobbies too. Need to work more on this one.

We were reminded again that planning ahead of time would have been a good strategy, since we were freezing in the low temperatures. Funny thing is that when you are shooting the pictures, you don’t feel cold at all, but waiting for the birds can be painful. We got some interesting pictures of cool birds, a lot of birds butts flying away. There are many more bad pictures than good ones but the good ones make up for all others. Can’t refrain from saying that in business we all have more failures than successes but the few successes make up for all the work and frustration.

Besides all things we learned with this experience, one was clear: It is really necessary to take a break every now and then. Not only to release stress but also because with trying new things not related to business gives you the opportunity to find another side of yourself and see different ways to deal with different challenges and to challenge yourself is to find in you a strength you probably didn’t know you had.

Hawk Flying
Hawk Flying

How To Advertise Your Online Business

Learning the best ways how to advertise your business can be a real chore to say the least. There is
certainly no shortage of companies trying to convince you that you need to subscribe to their marketing
or advertising approach to gain clients. So, the real question is, “What’s the best form of advertising for
your business?” Well, research indicates that online advertising is not only far more cost-effective than
traditional off-line forms of advertising, but online advertising is also fairly easy to set up.

First of all, let me say, that there are really two forms of online advertising; there’s the paid method
known as pay-per-click advertising, and the “free” method known as SEO or search engine optimization.
For the purposes of this post, we’ll be talking about the paid method because it’s the easiest and
quickest way to implement a successful online advertising campaign.

For our purposes, I’m only going to refer to the Google search engine since Google dominates the
internet world. Google’s form of pay-per-click advertising is called Google Adwords. It’s referred to as
pay-per-click advertising because while your ads can appear for any number of targeted search terms,
you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad. Starting a Google Adwords campaign only
costs $5 to start and your ads can be up in a matter of minutes. Do a Google search for “$75 Adwords
voucher”, and if you’re a new advertiser to Adwords, Google will pay for the first $75 of your ad spend.

There are several components to Adwords that makes it the best way how to advertise your business
online. First of all, you have complete control over what you spend. Adwords allows you to set a daily
budget, so if you only want to spend, say, $300 per month, then you would set your daily budget at $10.
Once you spend $10 for the day, Google will pause your ads and turn them back on the following day.

Another thing I love about Adwords is the ability for what’s known as geo-targeting. Geo-targeting
allows you ads to only be visible to people in a certain geographic area or areas. If you only want to
attract clients in Houston, Texas and Baltimore, Maryland, you can do that.

Furthermore, you have the ability to select as many keywords as you want to trigger your ads allowing
you to reach the maximum amount of targeted leads to your site. Finally, what I love most about
Adwords is the ability to see what’s working and not working. By viewing the historical data in your
account, you can see how many people viewed your ads and how many of those viewers clicked on your
ads. This allows you to make necessary changes to better optimize your account for maximum ROI.

Guest post by:  Brandon Jones
Senior Marketing Advisor
My Marketing Team

Happy Holidays!

All we can say is that during this time that we take to reflect about the year that just passed, we are extremely grateful for those that helped us shape our business. By supporting us, doing business with us, following and commenting on social media environments, watching our show, all of you played a role in our business and we are really grateful for having you here!

We hope the New Year will bring you a lot of joy and dreams to fruition.

From all of us here at BuzzBooster, Happy Holidays and an incredible New Year!

Shahar Boyayan, Nashlah Boyayan, Veronica Andrade, Mary Lingao, Jonathan Jacinto, Susan Senoro,  Iris Isaguirre, Phoebe Joy Corbin, Subham Shaw, Sebastian Codrut, Leah Obillo, Sarah Kean-Price

and of course Apple and Banana

How to get more video views- Social media marketing

New episode of BuzzBooster Tv

Interview with Todd Cochrane from Blubrry on the future of web shows, Julie Perry from YouTube secret weapon talks about online videos and YouTube, we take a look at the software Wirecaster and hosts Shahar and Nashlah talk about a negotiation process and how to incorporate rituals in sales negotiation. This week is all about video marketing one of the best social media tools for you to use.

Watch BuzzBooster TV here

Internet Marketing: Membership ideas for businesses

I’m yet to see a business that cannot have some kind of continuity program.

This week I found this article in Springwise on some fellow brazilians selling bread in a continuity program.

You can see that there are membership ideas everywhere:

Los Paderos is a Brazilian site that sends subscribers three loaves of fresh-made artisan bread each week.

Scarcely a week goes by without us discovering some fresh new application of the subscription model, and this week is no exception. The innovation this time? Los Paderos, a Brazilian site that sends subscribers three loaves of fresh-made artisan bread each week.

Los Paderos’ breads are made in a wide range of varieties, without preservatives and using natural fermentation processes. Rather than baking them all the way, however, Los Paderos sells its breads semi-finished and cooled. Customers can then store them in the fridge for up to two weeks; when they’re ready to use the bread, they simply finish baking it and enjoy it piping hot from their own oven. Subscribers get three loaves of their choice each week for a monthly price of BRL 60.

Is there any limit on the convenience and appeal of recurring home deliveries for frequently used products? We don’t think so either, and the added element of semi-baking for completion at home only adds to the appeal. How could a subscription model deliver some fresh stability and repeat business to your innovative brand?
