What we learned at BlogWorld 2010- #bwe10

Going to BlogWorld was one of the best things we did this year. We have been to every single one but this year was really special.

There was a session for everyone, no matter in which stage they are in social media.
I attended some amazing sessions. Declan Dunn on the session “How to turn friends into fans and customers was one of my favorites. He stressed the need to create a community around your business and the use of frequent e-mails.

Tom Webster with “The Current State of Podcasting” showed very good data about podcasting consumption that I will share later.
Lewis Howes was a nice surprise. His tips on how to give webinars where awesome. He uses lots of pictures and not a lot of text and a strong follow-up series in the 2 days following the webinar.
The session “Is internet radio alive or dead” was very interesting. Some nuggets I’ve got from that: Women have more ear time than eye time. Voice is emotional and voice tells a story.

Another very interesting session was “How to hire a social media agency” . The speakers shared a lot of their experience and showed different ways they measure roi.

Todd Cochrane did an awesome job in his session The triple streaming, podcasting and blogging.
He shared some stats from Roku that owns 10% of the US Market, that 66% of users are between 36 and 55 years old. Do you create content for this audience?

The session “This is not your father’s YouTube” with Paul Colligan as the moderator was fun and informative with lots of prizes. They stressed the importance of being active on YouTube and treat it as a social network and to have your videos answering a problem. I was very impressed with all inputs from Julie Perry.

Most keynote sessions were fine but the one on social media and the mid-term elections.

On the trade show some nice surprises. Techmunch with presentations and topics related to social media and food. A look inside Google TV, and Kodak which in my opinion rocked. They had a challenge using QR codes, partners, education marketing and engagement on social platforms they are present in a very clever way. We did a show on this strategy and an interview with their interactive marketing director. This is the kind of strategy business owners could do with their audiences.

The parties were fun, I specially liked the first one by the pool and the kareoke at the last party.

I think BlogWorld has matured and combined the best for hobbysts and professionals. Way to go, I’ll be there next year.

It’s scary out there! How to overcome bad times

It is scary out there! Many people fighting to make ends meet, people without a job. We are not living in easy times.
Every day it looks like we go to battle. some days we win, some days we loose.
We all need to have a secret weapon to overcome bad times. I believe acquiring new skills every now and then helps a lot.
Tomorrow is full moon and some say it is a day that energy changes. We decided to help with the change.
During the full moon week, or halloween week we are slashing the prices of 3 of our multi-media modular trainings. These are some of our mos popular programs with 7 modules each. These programs will show you how to master marketing and improve your business.
Normally they are sold for $247. During this week only, you will be able to take these programs for only $47. But only during this full moon week.
You can choose between:
Lead and online traffic generation for business
Social media marketing for business
Local Marketing

You have only a few days. Don’t let this opportunity pass you buy.
You have instant access and plenty of time to go through all modules.

Danger, Villain on the Loose

Here is an awesome post by Therese Kienast from Radical leadership

“You are so god awful stupid! When are you ever going to get your act together!”

Three seconds had passed since the last venomous assault. I continued to count. Another blow struck full force, like a pro baseball player using my head for batting practice: “You don’t do crap; you’re worthless!” the voice screamed once again. It had been less than seven seconds this time but was never longer than ten before it smite me once more, violently shaking my confidence and undoing any plans I had for the day.

Any sane person would tell me to get out; to save my life; to not tolerate the abuse another minute but instead I tried to regain my balance before meekly picking up my things-to-do list, sighed and went on my way. “Clearly”, I agreed, “I was stupid or I would STOP the insanity.” I was worthless or I wouldn’t negotiate this jerk. My addiction to violence was obvious; even to me. But I wouldn’t leave. I couldn’t leave. This voice was my own.

Hard to believe this was happening to a woman highly held by her colleagues and clients to be a personal transformation expert; a leadership guru, a master coach and a successful entrepreneur. How had I been able to do THAT when THIS was happening in my life???

I had known for a long time that if I treated other people the way I treated myself, I’d be in jail right now. And metaphorically I was in jail. This voice was keeping me prisoner to a part of me that was constantly in the dark and contracting by the minute. This part of me had no plans to extend itself beyond the prison walls I’d created mentally, emotionally and even physically.

Oddly enough, simultaneously there was another part of me that had inspired others, transformed hearts and lives, helped people own their power and find their freedom and achieved what many would consider to be “great success”? I had a beautiful home, a comfortable bank account, great friends, a thriving business, I was doing what I loved and still, this internal terrorist would suck most of the life out of me day in and day out!

I thought about one of my corporate clients. Gail (not her real name) had come to me in a state of confusion and chaos and wanted “Out!” of her Fortune 100 company. She had spent 28 years growing her career and positioning herself favorably among her peers in an executive position; had just been given a performance appraisal that reflected the highest score possible and still she said, “I am ‘Dead Woman Walking.'” She was numb, burned out, emotionally unavailable and trying to do whatever she could to get through the next 2 years to retirement.

Here was that same “oddity” I was experiencing. She was extremely well liked by family, friends and peers; highly successful in every way and still there was an internal anxiousness and unsettled feeling haunting her every moment and sucking the life out of her physically, emotionally and mentally. She thought it was the job. I knew, given that I loved my job and had the same internal experience, it wasn’t!

It was then that I decided to add “Private Eye” to my skill-set and turn up the magnifying glass on her life and mine at heightened levels; and it was through that magnifying glass that I began to see a whole world that existed behind and below the one I was managing; behind and below the one visible to the naked eye.

Step back and become a “Private Eye” with me on a three day retreat coming up October 6-8th, 2010 on the beautiful shores of Lake Geneva, WI. There are only a couple spots left, and I want YOU there!

Here what Michael Charest, President of Business Growth Solutions had to say about attending Radical Leadership!

“Attending Radical Leadership was the single best personal development course I have taken in my life. Therese Kienast and her team are, in a word…AMAZING. Or better yet, “In Full Essence.”

You will learn in the training that this is the ultimate in self awareness, peace of mind, and self mastery! There are a lot of Leadership programs on the market, but simply put…none like this. Words do not adequately describe the impact this will have on your personal and professional life. You simply must experience it. I urge you to attend this life-changing program.

I also fully appreciate the value of my services…I came back from Radical Leadership and had the best sales week of my entire business career, including a $26,000 day! Talk about an impact…Mentally, Spiritually, and Financially! Please, get to Radical Leadership!”

Michael Charest President, Business Growth Solutions Business Coach, Speaker, Author

If you are feeling called to join us, jump on over to www.radicalleadership.com/programs-products/retreats/ and check it out

Attraction marketing with online videos

Do you still need to be convinced in using online videos to attract more clients and sales?

I’ve compiled some more facts to you:

Online video marketing will help you a lot with traffic generation since some videos will rank in the search engines. People watching videos in different video sharing sites will also visit your site.

Because they rank in search engines, they will help you with search engine optimization.

Online video marketing will help you create more visibility across different social networks.

They will allow you in mobile marketing too.

Not to mention they create awareness for your brand and position you as an expert.

85% of the US population watches videos online.

There are over 79 different places where you can submit a video. Of course YouTube is the big player in this market.

Here a few more things on YouTube:

43% of US population watch videos on YouTube.

YouTube has 144 million viewers and 1/3 are americans.

The average person watches on average 100 videos a month, that is about 15 minutes a day.

YouTube provides content in 60 days in the same amount that took TV 60 years.

When you submit a video to YouTube you can at the same time post on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace etc.

Isn’t this the best time for you to start attracting more clients with online videos?

This week’s marketing teleseminar

This week our teleseminar will be on How to create an Irresistible business.

You will discover how to add 7 components to your business that will turn you in a client attraction machine.

These are simple components that anyone can incorporate and change the face of their business.

We will also have several prizes during the call

Register right now to the Be an Irresistible Business teleseminar

Importance of Mastermind for small businesses

We are on our way to Orange County tonight. I’ve been looking forward for this trip. It is a meeting with our mastermind group. It took me a while to figure out why I needed a mastermind group. As a business owner, I’m an implementer. I get things done and I like to solve challenges. This is a good thing but I also tend to feel very lonely. It is hard to find people with whom you can talk about business growth, specific challenges that you face, like any other business owners and it is hard to grow if you are the only, or in our case, the only 2 thinking heads in a business.

These are the reasons I belong to a mastermind group. I can get fresh eyes in my business, accelerate business growth, the group becomes a sounding board for new ideas- this is very important because people tend to ask opinions from people that cannot give them an appropriate opinion, like friends and family. There is also accountability, you stepping out of the box, share sorrows and joy and of course the group can help you achieve milestones.

As business owners it is very difficult for us to do this by ourselves. We all need fresh eyes in our business every now and then.

This week I just want you to think how you are running your business and if you want to keep being the loneliest person on earth or look for ways to bounce back business ideas.

How to choose a marketing consultant

With the internet and social media marketing along came a huge line of new marketing consultants. Unfortunately a big chunk still live in their mother’s basement and never made a penny online.  Even worse, they have no business experience.  Getting advice from these people can cause you a lot of headaches and take your business down.

Here are several tips for securing talent that will save your project time, mistakes and money when choosing a Marketing Consultant:

– Meet 1 on 1

– Look at their work product, PR, past strategies, designs

– Ask about the products they have launched themselves

– Check the Alexa Rank and Page rank of their websites.

– Check their presence online.

– Ask about their revenue models online and check examples given.

– Have they won or been nominated for  industry awards?

– References are nice, but really, who gives bad references?

– What specific, off-the-cuff strategies does the consultant propose?

– Do the strategies proposed seem cogent, offer fresh perspective?

– Check if what he/she is offering are real strategies or just a bunch of tactics you could learn from a book.

– Do they have hands on experience in business?

– Don’t price shop. Good consultants are not cheap. Here the saying “you get what you pay for” really applies.

– Listen to your guts.

This is Better Than Ice Cream

Let’s go right to the point: We’ll be offering a full day to increase your profits.

Not only we’ll be working with you we’ll also allow you to look over our shoulders to see how we create online profits.

This will be in Salt Lake City on the last week of June

Check it out right now: Profit Magnifier