Video Marketing For Small Businesses

online video marketing

Video Marketing For Small Businesses need to be part of your marketign mix in 2014.
Here a few more facts for you:

1. 61% of business people watch videos to learn how to use a product or service. (IDG)

2. 80% of Internet users recall watching a video ad on a website they visited in the past 30 days.
Source: Online Publishers

3. 1 in 2 consumers say that YouTube videos have influenced a purchase decision.
Source: Walker Sands

4. About 57% of consumers said that product videos make them more confident in a purchase.
Source: MediaPost

5. Online retailer Bizchair saw 33% of online sales came from the 13% of site visitors who viewed video.

6. A company found that shoppers were 144% more likely to add product to cart if they viewed videos on that page.

7. 1.8 Million Words
That’s the value of one minute of video, according to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research.

Do you have the time and energy to write 1.8 million words? That’s the equivalent of 3,600 typical web pages. If you write an average of one web page an hour, it would take you 150 days of writing to achieve the impact of one minute of video.

8. 42% of business people who watched a video purchased a product. (IDG)

9. 61% of businesses say online video is the top converter for sales. (Adobe Digital Report)

10. Videos produced for business purposes will grow in excess of 50 percent annually through at least 2015. (Interactive Media Strategies)

11. Internet Retailer reports that visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not, based on results. (Internet Retailer, April 2010)

12. Retail site visitors who view video stay two minutes longer on average and are 64% more likely to purchase than other site visitors. (Comscore, August 2010)

13. 58% of business people watch videos to find information on products they wish to buy. (IDG)

14. After watching a video 46% of business people visited a vendor website or contacted a vendor for more info. (IDG)

When you are ready to be serious about online video marketing, get in touch with us.

Streaming Media West 2013

We had a blast this year at Streaming Media West. They found the perfect venue for this event, now at the Hyatt in Huntington beach. The place was great for networking, for parties and for the sessions.

We attended all the sessions on connected TVs and OTTs. and good information was shared in all of them. The presentation by Adam Besserman
Head of West Coast Development for Yahoo was excellent. He was showing the scenario for video series and what Yahoo is doing.

Some specific points about this presentation will be in our Buzzbooster TV show.

From the producer series I attended a session on Church marketing that was very good. Showing how churches now are moving towards live streaming and their challenges. I was not aware of the reasons why but had noticed the amount of church channels on Roku before.

Intel did a great job at their party. It was fun and allowed for a lot of networking. We were able to talk to quite a few people.

On the trade show, my favorite was the Paladin box. Even though I really don’t like pink and the box is bright pink, I can tell you that this box can change the life of a broadcaster. I see so many possibilities. It is light and easy to carry which is a big deal when you have to take your equipment around. It allows you to live stream while using 3 cameras. You can also record and do the editing. this box takes a lot out of post-production and like I said has a lot of possibilities.  You should check Paladin box.

Check our shows this week because we have more on Streaming Media West 2013

streaming media west 2013