Today I had a fantastic day!
We had the great opportunity to go have lunch with a bunch of great folks from Utah, and Matt Mullenweg the founding developer of WordPress. It was awesome, a very informal get together with friends who share a common interest.
Chatting with Matt was quite an enjoyable moment. I mean, let’s face it the guy developed a blogging software that runs thousands of sites all around the world and most importantly has contributed tremendously to a major behavioral shift – from the way people do business to the way they communicate. [Plus, he’s cute] 🙂
We also finally met a few people whom we only knew via the web and their blogs. Chatted with Sheri who has a cool picture of her dog on her business card and gave her a copy of Engage Magazine since the cutest dog on earth has a column in it! Briefly spoke with Charlie who was wearing a cool t-shirt. Had a good conversation with Newspapergirl. Finally met Thom Allen who is really cool, and who’s organizing the first PodCamp in Salt Lake City. Conversed with Laura Moncur who likes to crochet. Said hi to the real Brad Baldwin and met Jennifer the Scripty Goddess. I must say that we chatted with a whole bunch of other cool people, but my memory is failing on me – must be my old age.

Apple aka Cutest Dog On Earth