Who Sees Your Google Plus Posts?

How Google Plus Works

Google Plus is one of the best social networks out there for small businesses. It is also a great way to use social media marketing to show in search engines but it can be a little confusing in the beginning. One thing that is really confusing is who sees your posts on Google Plus.

Here is a great info-graphic showing you how things work on Google plus

How to use Google Plus Communities [Buzzbooster Tv #62]

http://www.buzzbooster.tv Today you will see all about Google Plus communities. How over-the-top boxes can change the face of your business and some cool tools to help you become more productive.


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Google + Hangout ideas

Saw this list on GPlus tuts.
These are great ideas but don’t forget to record the hangout and then re-purpose as YouTube videos, on your site, part of other products etc.

Add to the list: Info-product creation
Web show creation
General goofing off
Birthday/event celebrations
Topic discussions
Organization officer meetings
Screen-sharing for trouble-shooting or tech support
Screen-sharing for tutorials or walkthroughs
Bible study or book reading clubs
Client meetups
Project planning and brainstorming
Customer appreciation and feedback
Watch YouTube videos simultaneously with friends and family (everyone holds the remote with play/pause abilities)
Slideshow presentations
Script rehearsal
Homework study groups
Private counseling or addiction recovery with accountability partners
Cooking classes
Puppet shows
Collaborative jam sessions
Trivia games or charades
Yoga sessions
Poetry slams, improv, or stand-up comedy
Angel/tarot/star/akashic/card readings
Circle of intention or prayer circles
Distant healing/Qigong
Live karaoke
Subject-specific Q and A’s
Coffee breaks/water cooler get-togethers
Flow/business/awakening/life coaching
Product unveiling or announcement
Phone conferences
Brand promotion
Travel show (especially for mobile)
And if the United States President can have a hangout, then so can you!

Facebook Sucks: Google+ Blows Away Facebook for User Visibility

Awesome post by Jon Cilley

So why does Google+ – in my opinion – work so much better for smaller businesses than Facebook? Why can unknowns become known so much easier on Google+? There are a couple reasons. Let’s start with the most important: Google Search. Of course, like all social media platforms, Google+ has its very own search feature. But what makes this feature fundamentally different from Facebook is how it is utilized.

For instance, I want each of you reading this to go into Facebook’s search engine and type one simple word: “photos.” What you will find are pages that have this keyword within the title of the page, maybe someone named “photo,” and four relevant photos from your friend’s recent posts. You won’t even see every page relating to photos or content, you’ll just see the ones who thought to put it in the main name of the page. One thing you won’t see is a photo from an unknown content provider, the very thing you would want someone to see – if you are looking for exposure. What you will see is the very thing your News Feed should have produced in the first place: content from your friends – which is hidden and tucked below at the very bottom.

What you have here is a very closed system. Putting friends first, not content. This makes it very hard for individuals or brands that are not known commodities to reach new followers. Now I want you to type the same word “photos” into Google+’s search engine. What you will find is exactly what you searched for: photos.

You will see two different options, “most recent” and “best of.” Most, if not all of the search results, are from individuals the current user does not know – if these posts have been posted publicly. Also, right from these search results the user can then add individuals or pages to their circles. They can click “best of” to see which content is getting the most engagement and visibility, and if you agree with the magnitude of engagement a particular post has acquired you can add right from these results as well. This is how the unknown becomes known: putting content first.

This is virtually impossible on Facebook, which relies on a one-to-one friend network to expand word-of-mouth endorsements. Because of this, Facebook provides a virtual speed bump for the rapid expansion of content that might deserve the added visibility.

Google+ is a search-first social network. Facebook is a friend-first social network. Just notice when you first type something into Facebook. Friends popup first, and you have to scroll down with the arrow keys or cursor to get to search results as opposed to friends. On Google+ it’s the opposite, a keyword search appears first before individuals in your circles.

The next reason Google+ increases the ability to rapidly expand your follower base is “Shared Circles.” Getting in a shared circle can be an additional way to gain followers and grow visibility for the content you produce. Because the framework of Google+ makes it much more appealing to add individuals you may not know than Facebook, an individual might not hesitate to add a shared circle containing hundreds of individuals relating to their interests. Getting in one of these is usually a gift that keeps on giving. Also, relating this back to Google+ search, people can find your shared circles without even following you beforehand – again, if it is shared publicly.

So if you want to grow followers and increase engagement on the content you produce: first create great content, second post it publicly, and third do it on Google+. Facebook sucks.

Google Plus, Search plus Your World and your business

This time I’m going to say I told you so.
for months we’ve been talking about the importance of Google plus and how the fact that is a passion based relationship creates more relevant conversations with your audience.

We told you to create your Google plus business page

We did an episode of our show on how to use Google Plus for business

We talked everywhere about the Google Plus hang out feature

and talked more on Google plus possibilities

and then we told you the content inside Google plus was getting indexed in the search engines.

Well, today your presence or lack of presence on Google Plus is impacting your findability- Yes, people that may be looking for something you offer might not find you or even worse find your competitors.

Google released Search plus Your World where results from Google Plus will show first.

Look what happens if I search for the word photography. This is a topic I discuss on Google Plus

Google Search Plus
Google Search Plus

Look on the right side and see suggestions from Google Plus

Now look when I do the same search when I’m not logged in. Google thinks I’m a new search

Google Plus
Google Plus

If you are not already seeing Google plus results in your searches go here: Google and upgrade.

Again, it is time to put hands to work and work on your Google Plus profile and create a Google plus business page. Fast.

Did I mentioned it is also extremely fun and a lot more relevant that Facebook if your business is around a topic that people have a irrational passion for? Like photography, crafts, nutrition, self-improvement etc? Try typing thing you are passionate about inside Google Plus.

If you are one of our social media agency clients, don’t worry, all is taken care for you.

Digital marketing: Google Plus

Have you tried Google plus?

I have and so far i like it a lot. I specially like it because it is not like Facebook. I think it can become a lot more relevant for businesses than FB. This because it relies on keywords and relevant searches, which Google is already very good at. In fact we shouldn’t even compare Google Plus with Facebook because even though they are both social, Google Plus is built to be mobile. it provides a more rich experience, less noise at the moment and is aligned with a shift in behavior that we are all leaving the desktop and using mobile devices more and more. Is is social media I can carry with me. not part of it, like Twitter, the whole thing.

The interface does not have clutter and very easy to use from a small device. It will free all of us to follow people hoping they will follow us. This does not matter here.

I specially like the hangout feature. Where you can video chat with up to 10 people, make the event public and even repurpose it later. This can be addicting and very useful for businesses. I plan to spend a lot more time researching this feature.

I say useful for business but Google wants real people there, not businesses at the moment. This will change

What is Google Plus?

This video doesn’t mention the biggest advantage of Google Plus: Being mobile. Something according to our current change in behavior. This is the future my friends.

This video gives you a pretty good idea about Google Plus

Google Plus Video