Google + Hangout ideas

Saw this list on GPlus tuts.
These are great ideas but don’t forget to record the hangout and then re-purpose as YouTube videos, on your site, part of other products etc.

Add to the list: Info-product creation
Web show creation
General goofing off
Birthday/event celebrations
Topic discussions
Organization officer meetings
Screen-sharing for trouble-shooting or tech support
Screen-sharing for tutorials or walkthroughs
Bible study or book reading clubs
Client meetups
Project planning and brainstorming
Customer appreciation and feedback
Watch YouTube videos simultaneously with friends and family (everyone holds the remote with play/pause abilities)
Slideshow presentations
Script rehearsal
Homework study groups
Private counseling or addiction recovery with accountability partners
Cooking classes
Puppet shows
Collaborative jam sessions
Trivia games or charades
Yoga sessions
Poetry slams, improv, or stand-up comedy
Angel/tarot/star/akashic/card readings
Circle of intention or prayer circles
Distant healing/Qigong
Live karaoke
Subject-specific Q and A’s
Coffee breaks/water cooler get-togethers
Flow/business/awakening/life coaching
Product unveiling or announcement
Phone conferences
Brand promotion
Travel show (especially for mobile)
And if the United States President can have a hangout, then so can you!